
June 14, 2009 6:25 PM
Hey y'all, just a little nudge to make sure that things are getting rolling with the try-outs. I know that you each have them up, but I do need rosters up soon so that we can get the games rolling. Thanks!
0 Fox Captains 0 Fox 1 5

Captain Saul Pierce

June 14, 2009 11:45 PM
Pecari Roster

Seeker: Elly
Keeper: Raoul
Beaters: Caedance, Mike Song
Chasers: Saul, Irene, Kyler

Alternate: Jose Hernandez
1 Captain Saul Pierce Pecari's Team 82 Captain Saul Pierce 0 5

Captain Hannah Laurent

June 15, 2009 7:22 PM
Beaters - Josiah Ashwood, Amber Carey

Chasers - Gabrielle DiCarlo, Lucie Dupree, Elliot Valentine

Keeper - Afton Stokes

Seeker - Hannah Laurent
0 Captain Hannah Laurent Teppenpaw's Team 0 Captain Hannah Laurent 0 5

Captain Helena Layne

June 16, 2009 10:16 AM
Chasers: Helena Layne, Charlotte Abbott, and Oliver Abbott

Beaters: Joshua and Renaye Warren

Keeper: Ethan Valentine

Seeker: Alexis Ashwood
16 Captain Helena Layne Crotalus' Team 88 Captain Helena Layne 0 5

Captain Geoffrey Layne

June 16, 2009 10:20 AM
Chasers: Daniel Nash II, Thomas Fitzgerald, Taylor Li*

Beaters: Paul Tarwater and Geoffrey Layne

Keeper: Grayson Wright

Seeker: Jera Valson

Reserve: Edmond Carey*

* - correspondence with the authors
16 Captain Geoffrey Layne Aladren's Team 72 Captain Geoffrey Layne 0 5