Nathan Xavier

June 05, 2015 8:10 PM

Teppenpaws, this way please by Nathan Xavier

After the allotted time in the Orientation meet-and-greet, Nathan had brought the new first years on a fairly inclusive tour of the school, including some of the larger Garden clearings (including one that was only a few turns and a couple dozen yards from the Pecari entrance though of course he hadn't mentioned that at the time), the Quidditch Pitch, all of the core classrooms, the Library, the Hospital Wing, and the MARS entrance before finally leading them into the Cascade Hall for their Sorting and the Opening Feast. After lining them up for Headmistress Skies, he'd headed up to the Staff Table and breathed a quiet sigh of relief that it was all over with no major incidents or lost students.

He was glad of the other staff who had been along to prevent stragglers and provide extra sets of eyes on the eleven year olds, but he'd been pretty much running things with the Orientation since the kids got off the wagons, and he was glad to relinquish that back over the Headmaster and Headmistress. As the groundskeeper, and even as the Teppenpaw Head of House, he wasn't generally accustomed to having the attention of more than a handful of students at a time. Admittedly, the first year class wasn't a large one, but it was still more people looking at him and listening to him and following him around than he was entirely comfortable with. Mortimer Brockert was more than welcome to the task of addressing the whole school at once; Nathan did not envy him that and felt he understood perfectly well why those speeches tended to be short and to the point.

Nathan's respite lasted only as long as it took for the Feast to conclude and the elves to start reclaiming the serving platters. Then Selina and Alfie - he had never caught the DADA substitute-turned-permanent-Professor's full name, if 'Alfie' was indeed short for something - began to collect their charges, so gave them a moment to finish calling together their students before approaching the Teppenpaw table to collect his own. "Teppenpaw first years," he added his voice to the general din of people getting up and leaving, "If you turned yellow tonight, please join me here." It was a small yield this year - he'd certainly led out larger groups of new Teppenpaws in his time as HoH - though from what he'd seen, the year group had split fairly evenly among the four Houses with no one House gaining more than its fair share or getting short changed out of new members.

Once he was sure he had the whole set, he began simply, "As I mentioned earlier, I'm Nathan Xavier, the groundskeeper here. I'm also Teppenpaw's Head of House, and therefore your Head of House. I'm glad to be your adviser and I look forward to getting to know each of you better over the next seven years. If you'll follow me for one final tour stop, I'll show you the way to our Common Room now." He nodded to the prefects to convey that at least one of them should take up the rear to keep anyone from falling behind or wandering off.

OOC: You may reply to this post if you'd like, but there is no need to do so. This thread will continue in the Teppenpaw Common Room. You are now free to post on any board, other than Common Rooms of other houses. You may also continue your threads at the feast, due to something called 'fuzzy time' – this is where you may post in multiple threads at the same time, but each thread takes place at a different time from your character's perspective, so they are not in multiple places at the same time.
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