Nathan Xavier

January 03, 2015 11:32 AM

Teppenpaws, to me! by Nathan Xavier

As he had every year since becoming Head of Teppenpaw House, Nathan had watched the Sorting ceremony with interest and took careful note of the children who had turned yellow. It was a respectable group this year, not quite as many as last year, but a good size none-the-less. They weren't outnumbered by any of the other Houses anyway. With a Pierce and a Wolseithcrafte and a bit of luck maybe they would even manage to field a Quidditch team this year.

Once the other Heads had started gathering their students, he stood as well. Nathan Xavier was a largish man, taller than average as well as wider than average. The Feast he had just tucked away was certainly not going to help trim his ample waistline at all. "Teppenpaws, Teppenpaw First Years, if you turned yellow, please gather around me," he called out, approaching the part of the Teppenpaw table where most of the new students had sat. "At least one prefect, please, join us?" he added toward the vacating older students.

Once he had everyone he thought he should have - the potion effects had faded before the desserts arrived, so it was a matter of memory rather than just looking around to make sure he had all of the yellow skinned children - he began with an introduction. "Hello, and welcome to Sonora and Teppenpaw House. I am Nathan Xavier, I will be your Head of House for the foreseeable future. I'm also the Groundskeeper here." It wasn't exactly a high honor, having one's Head of House be the groundskeeper - not when Crotalus had the Deputy Headmistress - but he did his best and he supposed with no classes to plan or homeworks to grade, he probably had more time and attention to spare to his charges so it wasn't a total loss for them. Plus, nobody would hold their bad grades against him, so there was that, too.

"Please follow closely as I show you to our common room and the Teppenpaw dormitories, which will be your homes here for the next seven years." He instructed the prefect to take up the rear to prevent anyone from falling behind.

OOC: This will continue in the Teppenpaw Common Room. You do not need to reply to this post unless you want to. You may continue with your Feast threads but may also now begin threads elsewhere in the school, by using a concept we call fuzzy time, which lets us write at more than one place but at different points in your character's timeline so they can explore the school without being in two places at the same time and without needing to wait for one thread to resolve before going someplace else.
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