Headmaster Brockert

November 30, 2014 12:17 PM

CATS by Headmaster Brockert

It was that time of the year again at Sonora. The time of the year when the fifth years took their CATS exams. It was most likely an incredible source of stress for the lot of them , but at least it would all be over soon...for two years until they had to sit for their RATS.

Most likely adding to a student's stress was the possibility of having Nanette Langdon as an examiner. With her tight bun, sharp features and cold eyes, her face looked as if it had never seen a smile and with a personality to match her looks it wasn't likely that students who had the misfortune to get her as their examiner would be smiling much for awhile either.

On the other hand, David Weatherby was very much a desired examiner as he tended to be the most fair of them all. Not to mention that despite his age, most of the female students found him pleasing to look at with his striking green eyes, lean figure and salt and pepper hair.

While the female students had David Weatherby to look at, the males had Aurora Septentrion. She had beautiful long blonde hair and gave off a warm and friendly vibe. Yet, she took her job quite seriously and was no pushover.

That role was filled by Roland Ashburn. He was a friendly sort, eager to be liked and as such, tended to pass most students. While Mr. Weatherby was surely most people's favorite examiner, to those who were more anxious, less academically inclined or more unscrupulous, he most likely held a certain appeal.

Once the fifth years had assembled for their morning theoretical exams, Ms. Langdon addressed them as anti-cheating quills were handed out along with the testing materials. "There will be no cheating and anyone who is caught doing so will be asked to leave and automatically fail their exams. If you finish early, sit quietly so as not to disturb anyone else."

Practical exams were to be in the afternoon. All students would be called up to perform their tasks and then were free to go.

OOC-You may write for any examiner.
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Adam Spencer

December 01, 2014 3:32 PM

Knees are knocking. by Adam Spencer

The year had been terribly stressful for poor Adam with all of his new-found responsibilities. He was looking forward to it all being finished. He didn't feel adequately prepared for his CATS despite studying for it bit by bit the entire year. He'd slept awfully the night before, tossing and turning with nightmares of horrible marks and being home-schooled until he was seventeen. He could imagine the disappointed expressions on his parents' faces upon receiving his final marks. After a restless night, Adam made his way to breakfast in Cascade, but found it difficult to stomach anything but toast and a bit of jam. It didn't help still the butterflies in his stomach.

After his poor breakfast, Adam joined the rest of his year-mates in sitting through the theoretical exam first. The old witch passing out quills was frightening and did nothing to help his anxiety. During the entire period, he felt slightly ill, recognising the feeling as akin to Portkey-sickness without the nausea. It was the most inopportune time for such ailments, but Adam did his best to concentrate on the questions in front of him. They were, for the most part, what he'd prepared for, and he was surprised to find himself finished before the appointed time was over. He sat quietly until the time was up, glad to have one load off.

Practical exams came only somewhat easier for Adam as he enjoyed wand-work more than studying from a textbook. He hoped desperately to have Roland Ashburn. Rupert had said he was the easiest of them all according to the gossips, and Adam didn't think he would fare well at all with a difficult examiner. It was odd for him to be so nervous before an exam, but these were different. His CATS were imperative to his future career. Over the course of the year, Adam had been leaning more and more to working in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement despite his aversion to violence and crime. He wanted to work with improper uses of magic, a desk job that would suit him well. Maybe. The marks he received on his CATS were crucial for such a position, however, and if he failed he wouldn't have a chance in the Ministry at all.

The unfortunate circumstance ended up that Adam did not have Mr Ashburn as his examiner. A blonde witch called his name in a lovely voice and Adam stood. Upon second glance, he was entranced. Adam was not usually attracted to blondes, but she had a smile that could melt any wizard's heart. "Hello Mr Spencer, my name is Aurora Septentrion and I'll be your examiner."

Adam's pale face had suddenly flushed with a sudden rush of blood to his head. Ms Septentrion didn't spare any more words to chat, but went right into explaining that he was to transfigure a dinner plate into a mushroom. She was unintentionally distracting him with her lovely eyes and friendly smile, but Adam did his best. Transfiguration was one of the subjects he excelled in and with some ease he was able to transfigure the dinner plate. The examiner nodded and wrote down whatever notes she was supposed to before giving him another task to perform in another subject.

After his series of tasks were performed, some adequately and others, like COMC, less so, she finished her notes and smiled at him, sending his heart aflutter instead of his stomach. “You’re finished, thank you Mr Spencer.”

“Thank you,” replied Adam, stumbling a bit over his words, and though he would have liked to sit and gaze at Aurora Septentrion a bit longer, he was more eager to get out of the stuffy hall and back out into the world. As Adam stepped out of the Cascade doors, he sighed, releasing a load off his chest. He was glad to be finished with the difficult life-altering exams, but he didn’t think the stressful year was quite over yet. There was still the ball.
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