Librarian Amelle Nicchi

October 14, 2013 6:33 PM

Pecari First Years, this way! by Librarian Amelle Nicchi

Amelle was a little excited and a little nervous about being at Sonora. She was fresh out of community college and not really ready to be an adult yet, but knowing that she had adult responsibilities to take care of since her parents were no longer fronting her bills. It took her most of the summer, but she had finally come across the Librarian opening at Sonora. Amelle, despite her lack of maturity towards furthering her education, loved books. She read most books that she came across with eagerness. Her love for them made this job perfect. Thankfully, she had been accepted.

Her first night on the job and she already had a duty to take on. Amelle knew that the only reason she had been asked to do this was because she had been at the school so early that morning after the news had been told to the Headmistress. The Headmistress, who was already stressed and busy with so much, had requested this from her while explaining everything that needed to be said and the way to get to where they needed to go. It had been a lot of information, but thankfully it was written down and Amelle had the morning to learn her way around to make sure she didn’t get the students lost.

As soon as the other Heads of Houses stood up and began to call their house students to them, Amelle follow suit. “Pecaris, gather here, please!” She called out, hoping they could see her small frame over everyone. Being only just 5 foot in height didn’t leave her much room to be seen.

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