Prefect Raines

August 24, 2012 11:39 PM

First year Pecaris! This way, please! by Prefect Raines

She was a little less pleased by it than she thought she normally would have been, but when Sara found she was being called on to briefly step in for Professor Levy and escort the new first years to the Pecari common room, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction. She was not, she knew, a typical Pecari – was much less of one than either of the other prefects, really – and yet she had been the one chosen to represent Pecari to the new students. She didn’t know how not to be pleased by that, really.
Since she was visibly not an adult, though, she found it a little more difficult to gather her charges together and feel sure they were taking her seriously, but she finally got what she thought was the right number together. Luckily, there were never hordes of first years in any House, so it wasn’t as hard as it might have been, but she still stopped for a moment to look them over one more time and to issue a warning: “Okay, everyone, if you didn’t turn brown when you took the Sorting potion, then you shouldn’t be in this group, you need to go find your House now.”
No one took her up on it – she must have been clear enough, scouring the table, in her calls for and selection of Pecari first years, and she didn’t see any lost tiny people wandering around anywhere without a clue which Houses they were in, so she thought she had them all. If she didn’t, she expected her reputation would be in ruins tomorrow, but there was nothing she could do about that right now, when she’d done all she could to make it work out right.
Looking around, she was surprised to see a pair she was almost sure was made up of those Pierce girls, but she dismissed it. Pureblood girls of good standing sometimes ended up in Pecari; she had, after all. They might be all right. She smiled at the little group as reassuringly as she knew how, feeling very grown-up and important even though she did not stand much taller, at just five feet even, than some of them even now, in her low heels. “My name is Sara,” she told them. “Sara Raines, of the Illinois Raines’. I’m your sixth year House prefect. Professor Levy, our Head of House, is busy right now – “ Sara’s guess was something to do with her children, but she couldn’t say for sure – “so I’m going to show you how to get to our common room, and tell you about some things you’ll need to know right away. If you’ll all come with me, please?”
OOC: Welcome to Sonora! This post is continued on the Pecari Common Room board. You may keep posting at the Opening Feast and do not need to reply to this post unless you want to; this is just so you can post other places on the site.
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