Meggie Brownbriar

February 26, 2012 11:55 PM

After the Finals by Meggie Brownbriar

Megan Brownbriar hadn’t missed a single game of Quidditch the whole year. She made it a point to hide who she was for the games that Crotalus, her cousin Gareth’s house, didn’t play. The Pureblood girl didn’t really care about her background. She just wanted to fly. She knew that it was unlady-like, but she couldn’t care less about that expectation.

The adrenaline that was hidden inside her at her dream and desire to fly and play made her very antsy. She was so excited, specifically by the Final match of the year that she couldn’t even sit down at it. She had stood the whole time watching Pecari and Aladren face off and screamed with her whole heart for both teams. She didn’t care which side won. What she cared about was the fact that both teams were making her so happy and excited again.

Meggie knew that Gareth wouldn’t approve of how she was acting at all, but she didn’t care what her cousin or the rest of the family thought. In theory, what did it matter anyway? However, her family was not so theoretical.

Her mother had always told her to reach for her dreams and that is the advice she wanted so badly to take. She wanted to play Quidditch. But if I do, Daddy will disown me. I’ll be a nothing. Literally. she thought as she walked from the game to Cascade Hall to eat something. “But I want to so bad!” she said, getting angry at her thoughts versus those that she knew she was supposed to have.

Sure, she was unconventional, but hadn’t she always been?

Her thoughts took her away to when her Mother still was alive. How her mother had actually (in complete secrecy) taken her out to ride a broom. Her mother knew that Meggie needed flight, that the adrenaline rush was what paid her daughter the best of compliments.

The only problem with that is that her mother was dead.

Meggie thought all the way to the Hall and walked head first into the door. “Ouch.” she said, gingerly placing her hand on her forehead, wondering if there was a mark there. Opening the door with her other hand, the first year walked inside and searched the room to see if she recognized anyone. She hoped someone would invite her to sit down with them as her head started to pound.

Stupid door. she thought as she heard something behind her. Turning fast, she saw-
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