Professor Lilac Crosby

January 21, 2011 3:02 PM

Teppenpaws! Go! (Or come, rather.) by Professor Lilac Crosby

Summer had been excellent to the twenty-seven year old. Lilac had immediately gone to Bolgar to visit with her cousin Andrei, his wife Helena, and their new baby, Yvanna. She had been so thrilled to meet her second-cousin, and actually without meaning to, she had stayed until July was upon them. Yvanna Baikov was simply adorable and very sweet; there was no other way to put it.

Of course, the whole younger-cousin-having-a-kid thing had made her begin to think about her own life. It didn’t seem like long at all since she and Andrei had been children, playing and laughing, like normal children. That was, minus the pureblood aspect; Andrei was always a gentleman, and Lilac had always been a lady…kind of.

She had anticipated Andrei getting married before her--he was a dashing thing, her cousin--but having a baby was just entirely new grounds. Oddly, she had dealt fine with her siblings having their own children, but those were her older siblings. It was different somehow, and being one of the last in the family to find a match was somewhat distressing.

Maybe that could change. During the last year, she had, on her mother’s recommendation, begun exchanging letters with a pureblood man named Seth Brockert. It seemed that a lot of students in her class were relatives of his, actually, but that wasn’t really what pulled her towards him, and neither was her… somewhat desperateness.

After leaving Bolgar and returning to Moscow, she had resumed writing to Seth. Eventually, they got together in person. Really, they spent a good amount of time together over the summer. Walking beside him, it had been so tempting to take a hold of his hand… but she hadn’t. Her sister-in-law Caroline, who apparently thought she had the authority to attempt to run Lilac’s life and also somehow had heard about her spending time with Seth, no doubt through the gossip grapevine the brunette called “Mother,” had told her that it was best manners to let the man make the first move. But Lilac was beginning to grow old to wait. At twenty-seven, she was ready to settle and wanted to find The One.

But now she was back at Sonora, and writing would have to suffice. As the new headmaster, David Regal, began his speech, Lilac decided he would be an excellent headmaster. She had liked Sadi very much and felt that she owed her a debt of gratitude for giving her the chance to teach here, but with Sadi’s medical state, running the school was out of the question. David seemed responsible enough to run the school, and the brunette saw that Sadi had made a wise choice.

After the feast-y festivities, Lilac found what seemed like a good spot to corral her first years. Her voice enchanted to be louder--a good trick, she had learned, for the situation--she began to call them. “Yoohoo! Teppenpaw first years!” cried the half-Russian in a sing-song fashion, standing on her toes and waving ecstatically. When every head was accounted for--and it seemed to be a good-sized bunch--she grinned. “Hey there, Teppenpaw firsties! Welcome to Sonora!”

“I think I’ll save the self-introduction for later, keep a nice air of mystery between us, huh?” she offered rhetorically. Having not intended a reply, she didn’t pause to wait for one. “I’m going to show you to the place you’ll call home for the next seven years, otherwise known as Teppenpaw Common Room.” Lifting her right arm triumphantly, she gestured onward. “To the West bell tower! Onward!” With that, she broke into a run, silently thanking Merlin that she had worn sneakers (her favorite neon orange pair) that morning. After a moment of thought, she slowed to a speed that the first years could easily keep up with. Losing them on the first day would totally be bad.
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