Headmistress Powell

February 01, 2010 4:57 PM
At the opposite end of the Hall to where Cleo was gathering students for the first aid activity, Sadi was gathering students in their groups of three to a food preparation activity. There were certain activities – such as basic healing and cooking – that students didn’t learn in school, but would almost certainly need at some stage in their life. This was the originally reason for the invention of team challenge, and hence the reason Sadi now called each group to a separate table. Upon each table were some utensils and containers, and an assortment of ingredients. The ingredients on each table differed, but included a selection of meats, fruits, vegetables, grains, herbs and spices. Also within the area were a couple of very old Muggle gas stoves with oven compartments.

“Okay, everyone, listen up,” Sadi called to the first group. “Your challenge is to make a meal. You have the ingredients and utensils before you, and you each have your wand. What you prepare is entirely up to the group – there are no boundaries or exceptions.” With this activity in particular, creativity was key. “I only ask that you behave sensibly, because any injuries might disrupt the students taking part in Medic Rocamboli’s activity, and anyone causing injury by irresponsible behaviour will not be permitted to continue with the rest of the day.”

“Just to draw your attention to these Muggle stoves – should you requires them, you are to work out they function. However, if you do require assistance, I will help you with this matter only. Everything else is up to you and your teammates. You will be awarded points on team communication, creativity, and the success of your final product. You may begin now.”

(OOC: Be as creative as you like. Feel free to invent your own ingredients, and remember classes your character has been taught if you need any more ideas. Have fun!)
0 Headmistress Powell Intermediate Team Challenge: Food prep 0 Headmistress Powell 1 5

Holly Greer

February 03, 2010 5:47 PM
OOC: I'm assuming Holly found teammates in some combination of the Ladies, Alexis, Raoul, and perhaps Amelia Smythe. I figure whichever two respond first are the ones she could immediately locate and she teamed up with them. BIC:

Upon learning that the third to fifth years would not be attending classes that day, Holly's initial reaction was relief. Any excuse, any at all, was preferable to going to potions and DADA, both of which she was scheduled for that day. Upon hearing the details, she was even happier. She didn't know what orienteering meant, and first aid probably meant blood (pictures of blood or fake blood, most likely; she was fairly hopeful that real blood wasn't going to be an issue) but her attention wasn't on these.

Her thoughts were first and foremost on the Cooking part of the day. She smiled. She more than smiled. She beamed. She collected two suitable teammates and all but floated over to where Medic Rock was accepting team registrations. Holly nearly squealed in delight at finding that they'd be doing the cooking first.

She hopped, skipped, and jumped her way over to the Food Prep area and her eyes danced over the ingredients spread out on the tables, her hands clasped together in front of her. She listened to the Headmistress explain the objective, and her joy only increased.

Holly turned her smile onto her two teammates as she drew out a piece of parchment from her bag and a muggle pen of the highest calligraphic quality. She swiped a loose lock of hair behind her ear, and was momentarily diverted from the task at hand while she conjured a small hairband and tied her chocolate brown locks back out of the way. The motion was smooth and habitual and she didn't seem to notice that she'd just messed up the careful styling it had taken most of the morning to get just right. You wore your hair tied back when in the kitchen; that's just the way things were. Courtney had made than an absolute. "My stepmother is a caterer," she informed the two, in case they hadn't caught that over the past five years.

She started drawing up a menu onto her sheet of paper. "We'll keep things fairly simple, but I think we can put together a very elegant platter of hors d' oeuvres, a fine spread of entrees and sides, and lovely dessert." The pen scratched out in her finest handwriting: Hors d' Oeuvres, Buffet Entrees, Dessert, leaving plenty of room between each heading.

"I'm thinking fruit cups, stuffed mushrooms, and maybe some cheese squares for the appetizers. A fillet of flounder," she was fairly sure she'd seen a flounder among the meat slabs, "and some form of chicken should work as our entree. As sides, we can make a garden salad very easily, and there should be a potato dish - I'm thinking scalloped - and probably a vegetable. For dessert, I think I can remember how to make tiramisu. So, do you like peas or broccoli better?"
1 Holly Greer Taking lead 123 Holly Greer 0 5

Cecily Smythe

February 05, 2010 3:30 PM
Classes being cancelled all day for the entire of the intermediate yeargroups could either be fortuitous, or catastrophic. Cecily wasn't a pessimist exactly, but as far as school was concerned it never paid off to have high hopes. So it was with trepidation that she made her way down to the Hall, especially as she was dressed in high-waisted dark green slacks and a fronted pale gray blouse that she could move in, as requested, but she didn't by any means want them to be ruined.

As the plan for the day was revealled, Cecily was relieved they would be doing something productive, but couldn't say she was thrilled by the content of the day. Orienteering was for outdoors-y people. And Muggles. First Aid was admittedly useful, but she knew how to stop bleeding and surely the rest was the job of a Healer. That's what they were there for. As for cooking, Cecily had never preapred so much as a slice of toast in her entire life. Her family had paid staff and House elves, and she could practically snap her fingers should she wish to eat anything. Which she didn't often, because she didn't want to end up like her Aunt Muriel, as wide as she was tall. And Cecily was by no means tall. She only allowed herself to eat treats when with the other Ladies, but never at a real social engagement, and she certainly wasn't going to swallow a great deal of food prepared by prairie elves.

At the other end of the scale, Holly seemed in a weird kind of utopia at being asked to cook. Cecily had never seen this side of her friend before, but she was hardly surprised; Holly was unbalanced by the smallest event. Cecily reacted to her hysterical ramblings only by arching an amused eyebrow at the third member of their group. This task was clearly going to be easy. Cecily could relax until the next activity. For the time being, she simply answered, "Broccoli has higher nutritional value and is more aesthetically pleasing." She didn't prefer the vegetable to peas as such, but for the purposes of the so-called challenge, she was on broccoli's side.
0 Cecily Smythe Following in bemusement 122 Cecily Smythe 0 5

Chelsea Brockert

February 05, 2010 9:28 PM
Chelsea had been initially sort of glad not to have classes today. It hadn't taken her long to get sick of them all over again after midterm.

She was a terrible excuse for an Aladren but then she didn't really care if she was.

As soon as Chelsea heard what they were going to do today, any slight enthusiasm she might have had left her. This had to be the dumbest idea for an activity ever . There was a very slim chance she might use first aid but she was never going to cook. Her mother and Kaylie might have actually liked all that homemaker stuff but Chelsea certainly didn't. Cooking was for poor people, muggles and house-elves and her mom and sister were weird for wanting to actually do it. At least, though, they used magic when they did.

Of course, Chelsea would never have any use for orienteering. She hated the outdoors and a proper young lady would never do the sort of adventuring that would lead to getting lost and needing such a skill. That was something more suited to someone like Nina or Renaye, not someone like Chelsea.

Plus, the idea of team building was just so completely and utterly corny.

But, at least she could work with her friends. At least, two of them. Chelsea quickly joined Cecily and Holly feeling a slight pang of sympathy for Anabel. Who only knew what the remaining girl would get stuck with for a "team"? At least Chelsea could be sure her friend wouldn't have to work with Jenaye and Laurie who would probably end up a threesome.

She caught Cecily's look. Chelsea too was surprised to find out that Holly actually liked to cook. Chelsea knew the Pecari's step-mother was a caterer but she didn't think that would necessarily translate to Holly liking to cook. Chelsea wasn't like her relatives.

But maybe the fact that Holly liked to cook would work in their favor. As moronic as Chelsea found the whole thing to be, there were certain people that she really wouldn't want to lose to and admittedly, what Holly suggested sounded classy, delicious and not too fattening as long as one didn't take too much of the tiramisu.

"Agreed." Chelsea said in response to Cecily's comments about the broccoli. There was something rather...crass about peas. She eyed the muggle stoves. "I suggest we use magic for this, I am not going near those...things." The Aladren gestured at the muggle death traps.

Another idea struck her as well. "What do you say we use some kind of potion to enhance flavor and induce hunger?" Chelsea inquired. "That way, the judges won't be able to get enough and we'll get more points."
11 Chelsea Brockert Following in being bemused 108 Chelsea Brockert 0 5