Elly Eriksson

January 01, 2009 10:18 AM

Bouncy bouncy bouncy by Elly Eriksson

There had been several options open for Elly celebrating the end of the first half of the school year. Tubers had danced last year, and the Pecari Commons had seen more than its fair share of snow since Elly joined the school. Plus there had been the flying cranes, bubbles in the fountains, fireworks in the drinks, and numerous other fun pranks.

For midterm, Elly had considered charming ice sculptures to dance, but decided that was too much work for a relatively small impact. She had thought about distributing Christmas crackers filled with a variety of pranked toffees, but trying to find so many crackers would be exhausting. She had momentarily considered filling the indoor fountains with fish, but where could she get several live fish at such short notice?

Eventually, as per usual, Elly had left it too late to practise any truly spectacular spells. She decided on employing a fairly simple charm. So on the morning that most people would be leaving for midterm (Elly would not be leaving this year, because she couldn't face the thought of staying with her mother for the entire holiday, though had promised to visit her over the summer instead), Elly carried from her dormitory a small box. She made her way as inconspicuously as possible to the top of the main staircase. During brief periods of little activity as students made their way to breakfast, Elly cancelled the shrinking charm and the small box grew to a crate, full to the brim of ping pong balls. Most of the balls had begun life as screwed up sheets of paper and parchment, and would probably return that way by the end of the day. But for now, they were ping pong balls - some white, some coloured, some even glittery, and every single one of them dosed with the ever-bounce charm.

Leaving the box at the top of the stairs, Elly hid herself as best she could away from the props, and at the next opportune moment, she muttered a sharp spell which caused the box to fall forwards, emptying its contents onto the stairs. A hundred balls bounced ever higher, rapidly making their way off the staircase. Hurrying away, Elly found her usual seat in the Hall, and looked up just in time to see the first ball bounce into the Hall. They would be bouncing for hours.
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