Echo Elms

April 23, 2007 8:10 PM

Novelling Fury business [searching for Zack Dill] by Echo Elms

Echo had been carrying Novelling Fury posters around for awhile. He needed people to post them in their Common Rooms for him. Problem was... last year Novelling Fury had one and only one member from outside of Pecari.

Zack Dill, Aladren.

There. Finally, after looking for him everywhere, Echo spotted him leaving Cascade Hall. He excused himself with a quick, "Hold on, just a sec," to the people he was eating with and ran across the dining hall carrying his folder.

"Hey, whoa, Zack Dill! Wait up! Zack!"

When Echo caught up, grinning the hopeful grin, he got right down to business. They didn't really know each other so, well, what else was there to say but, "Hey. I don't know if you want to do Novelling Fury! this year, but would you put a poster in your Common Room for me?"

He slid the flier out in anticipation of a positive reply.
21 Echo Elms Novelling Fury business [searching for Zack Dill] 93 Echo Elms 1 5

Zack Dill\r\n

April 23, 2007 10:03 PM

I've been hailed by Zack Dill\r\n

Something strange just happened. Zack went very still and turned around, and there it was again. Someone was calling his name. And it wasn't Anne. It wasn't Zoey or Stephen either. It wasn't even Guenther (who had such long legs it was probably easier to chase him down than shout after him).

At first, Zack didn't even recognize the kid. Sure, he was familiar, but with his recent prefectly duties, he'd come into contact with a lot of people. Mostly Alderaanians, but with his Prefect station set up in the library, other Houses seemed to think it was all right to ask him questions even though his sign clearly stated he was there for the Alderaanians.

It wasn't until the kid mentioned Novelling Fury that Zack realized where he'd seen him before. Right. The kid with the strange sounding name - sound, that was it: Echo.

Zack accepted the sheet from Echo because that's what you did when someone thrust a piece of paper at you. He looked it over and noted a lack of spelling and grammatical errors, so it wasn't anything he'd be embarrassed to be caught hanging up on the bulletin board. It wasn't like that would be difficult or require him to go out of his way, either, so he nodded and said, "Sure."

He didn't say either way if he would join in the writing again this year. He'd told Headmistress Marnett's story last year and there wasn't anything new to write a follow-up account about yet. Maybe he could think of something else that the world needed to know about . . . he'd give it some thought later. Perhaps Stephen's story. Zack had heard he'd been kidnapped over break. They were saying it was Geoff Spindler's uncle, but Zack knew the truth.

Stephen was an alien from a small planet in the vicinity of Betelguese and he'd gone on a secret mission to protect the Earth. Stephen would do something like that. He was the good sort of alien and heroic besides. That was why he was in Pecari. He'd only barely made it back alive, though.

Yeah, Stephen's true tale ought to be told. "I'll be there," he told Echo, after a short delay that might have been mistaken for him reading the contents of the flier, though his first glance had given him all the information there was to be had from it.
1 Zack Dill\r\n I've been hailed 40 Zack Dill\r\n 0 5