Jake and Bella

November 14, 2005 2:29 AM

Going Home for the Holidays by Jake and Bella

Jake had procrastinated with his packing due to the fact that he was so in awe by what had happened with the school. Honestly, two totally different storms crashing into the school as they had was...well...fascinating. His first year at Sonora had been exciting simply because it was his first year away from home and he had met so many different people. He had thought that his second year would be slower than his first. But he had been mistaken.

This year was equaling out to be far better than his first. Meeting new people came easily enough to Jake, but getting caught in duststorms and mudstorms, was a once in a lifetime chance. And Jake had been able to witness both phenomenons. Now he all he wanted to do was stay over vacation to witness anything more, but Bella had told him off and now he was finishing the last of his packing. However reluctatly that was.

He left his dormroom, saying his good-byes to the remaining roommates as well as housemates and left Teppenpaw in search of his sister. He spotted her in front of Cascade hall, her foot tapping rhymical intervals. tap tap tap pause tap tap pause tap tap tap and continued to tap until Jake was directly in front of her, "Been waiting long, Izzy?"

"A lifetime." She said, her eyes dark with anger and Jake braced himself for the explosion, "Just what took you so long? Are you purposely trying to miss the carriages?" Her voice steadily rising with each word so that, by the end, Jake was grimacing.

"Relax, Izzy, the carriages won't leave until they have everyone. I just had to finish packing and say goodbye to everyone." Jake said, rolling his eyes, which only seemed to fuel Bella's anger.

"Don't tell me to relax Jacob Santoro, if we missed these carriages Mama and Papa would kill us! Would you want a howler?" Bella said, her voice straining to get everything out. Jake stood staring dumbly at his sister, shocked by her anger. She seemed to be on the verge of tears.

"You sound like Hannah." Jake stated, causing a glare to be thrown his way. "And, anyway, no need for the dramatics, Izabella, I'm here, we can go." Jake said, grabbing his trunk and well as her's and moving off to join the other students leaving the building. He heard Bella sigh from behind him and he glanced back to make sure she hadn't lost her head or anything. After a few moments had passed and they had finally exited the building, Jake addressed his kid sister. "Hey, Izzy, what's with you?"

Bella was silent for a moment, as if gathering her thoughts. She slowly opened her mouth, eyes cast downword, "I just...I-I don't want to be stuck in another, I mean, we'll be safe..." She muttered for a moment, but her soft voice trailing off leaving what she started to say, unfinished. But it was enough for Jake to grasp. He shook his head with his lopsided grin plastered onto his face.

"You're afraid aren't you?" He asked, his voice filled with humor. Bella stopped walking, the snow falling down around them and stared up at him.

"I am NOT!" She exclaimed, her defenses were up and the challenge was on. Jake laughed and shoved a hand through her hair, leaving it in a mess of tangles when he was done.

"Shoulda known a girl like you to be afraid of a couple of storms." Bella tried to swipe at him, but Jake was too quick, easily dodging her blows. He swooped down and grabbed a handful of snow, packing it quickly between his hands. When he finished, he looked up and raised his hand, ready to throw it at Bella only to be caught in the face with a snowball of her own.

Bella's shouts of glee rang out as she took off with her trunk in tow. Jake, stunned by both the cold of the snowball and Bella's attack, was slow at the chase. He turned quickly, grabbed the handle of the suitecase, and chased after Bella, throwing the snowball wildly and scooping for more snow without even looking to where his first had gone off too.\n\n
6 Jake and Bella Going Home for the Holidays 42 Jake and Bella 1 5

Adam Whitney

November 14, 2005 8:49 PM

Wild Snowballs! It's ON! by Adam Whitney

Adam hated packing. He thought that it was tedious, long, and unnecessary. He had plenty of clothes back home, sure some were old or too small, but he would make do with what he had. So long as it kept him from having to pack.

But, no such luck, his mother's letter clearly stated that he had to pack what clothes he could because she simply didn't have the time to sew any of his already ruined clothes that he had left behind in the first place. With her stresses at work, the fact that his father was hardly around as it was, Adam decided not to protest the matter, and instead, packed up his clothes as fast as possible without so much as giving them a second glance.

He swong his cloak around his shoulders and lifted his trunk off his bed and onto the floor. It was terribly heavy, but he wished he could levitate it. Sadly, he could not. He left the room, making sure his trunk made as much noise as possible as it bounced from one stair to the next. He said his farewells to those still in the common area and left the room without looking back. It was better that way.

He was already half way down the paths when the snowball hit him. It hit him right between his shoulder blades. He paused in confusion and turned to see who had hit him, only to find Jake and Bella running off throwing snowballs at each other. Feeling a bit left out, Adam bent low and packed a giant snowball between his palms, making sure it was packed tightly. When it was perfect, Adam took aim at the first person he saw and threw the snowball as best he could.

When he knew for sure that it had hit his target, Adam laughed loudly and began to run in the direction of the wagons, not really considering someone might actually decide to retaliate.\n\n
6 Adam Whitney Wild Snowballs! It's ON! 69 Adam Whitney 0 5