Figaro, a School Owl

March 06, 2008 2:04 PM

A letter for Professor Kijewski by Figaro, a School Owl

Shortly after being visited by second year student Talitha Cumni, Sadi had settled down to write a note to Kiva Kijewski, as she had promised. Once she had finished sorting through the assignments she had yet to grade, Sadi headed to the school owlery and selected the tawny bird she used most often for delivery of her assorted missives.

The great bird took off immediately, proud to be so often trusted with important staff messages. A light note was tied, in the usual fashion, to his leg. Once the bird reached the recipient, the Deputy Headmistress, he would puff out his feathers proudly, and stand stock still while the letter was received. Naturally, he would linger a short while in case there were any treats forthcoming, but not so long as to cause a bother.

Once Professor Kijewski received the note, she would unfurl it and read thus:

Dear Kiva

I have recently met with one of my second year students, Miss Talitha Cumni. She had some queries concerning her pet owl. As ill equipped as I am to advise on that subject, I suggested she arrange a meeting with you, instead. If you could find a time that suits you to discuss her thoughts, Talitha would be very grateful to you, as would I.

Yours sincerely, Sadi

0 Figaro, a School Owl A letter for Professor Kijewski 0 Figaro, a School Owl 1 5


March 13, 2008 5:47 PM

I always love getting owls by Kiva

Kiva sat at her desk going over her lesson plan and the schedule for the upcoming OWLS when the owl arrived rather swiftly through her open window. Kiva looked at the owl for a moment, a small grin on her face as she watched him. It wasn't until after the owl puffed out it's chest proudly that Kiva realized he had a letter for her.

Taking the letter from Figaro, Kiva unrolled it and read over the lines quickly. Well, at least it was about a pet and not something deeply disturbing that Kiva seemed to usually have to deal with. Although, one of those students was now currently at another school and Kiva no longer needed to worry about her. Of course, she still worried all the same.

"Hm..." Kiva frowned. Was she supposed to write back to Sadi or to Talitha. It didn't specify in the letter and she didn't want to put either of the two out, especially since Talitha didn't feel as though she could reach out to Kiva on her own.

Tearing off a piece of fresh parchment, Kiva dipped her quill in ink and wrote across the paper:


I was uncertain as to whom I was to reply to and I hope that you don't mind that I decided to write to you. I will be delighted to meet with Talitha to discuss her owl. Since the retreat has concluded, any time after dinner is the best time for a meeting with me. If that's suitable, than I look forward to the discussion.

0 Kiva I always love getting owls 0 Kiva 0 5


March 15, 2008 9:12 PM

Keeping an appointment by Talitha

Talitha dressed for her appointment with Professor Kijewski. Her hair was neatly plaited and her uniform was crisply pressed. Most people adored Professor “K”. They saw her as a very approachable, student friendly teacher. Talitha was inclined to agree. She had enjoyed her care of magical creatures classes and had no reason to believe otherwise. She wanted to make good impression with a professor she'd had little opportunity to relate to one on one.

The main reason she paid such careful attention to her appearance was because she didn’t want to be regarded as an immature kid with nothing but a load of imagination. She wanted her concerns to be taken seriously. Even if her professor didn’t support her theory about her owl, it wouldn’t change her love for it.

The subject of her query sat on her shoulder, its favorite perch. It nipped her ear affectionately. She really didn’t mind that Owl made her shoulder ache because it was too big. She didn’t care if it ever revealed its gender or name to her. The now mature Horned owl was still her best friend, no matter what. She still would adore and respect it. It would still be her closest confident. It was just that if she knew…that would make their friendship all the more special.

Swallowing a lot of nerves and more than a little bit of pride, she knocked on the professor’s office door.
0 Talitha Keeping an appointment 0 Talitha 0 5

Professor K.

March 21, 2008 10:36 PM

Glad you're on time. by Professor K.

Kiva sat at her desk, as usual, grading some exams that her younger students had taken. This was the part she hated most with being a professors. Grading. She understood the necessity of grading but hated it just the same. Her class was mainly interaction between the student and the animal. If a student didn't get a long with an animal, she couldn't very well hold it against the class. Animals had their own behaviors that can't always been explained. She didn't like grading based on that.

Of course, she didn't have facts that she gave to the students during the lesson that also helped with the examination, but Kiva had always been a hands on person and not a lecture person, so she could completely understand where some of these students were coming from when they didn't necessarily have the booksmarts that the tests seemed to need.

She heard a knock on the door and looked up from her pile of papers. It took her a moment to realize that it was the day for Talitha's meeting. "Come on in. The door's open." Kiva called out, shuffling her papers and clearing away her pile. She glanced momentarily at Ria, who was sound asleep in her cat bed. Before glancing at the door. Hopefully she could get through this smoothly. There was so much to be done and not enough time to do it all in.
0 Professor K. Glad you're on time. 0 Professor K. 0 5


March 23, 2008 5:39 AM

I try by Talitha

Talitha switched Owl to her forearm when she heard the professor’s summons and wrapped its tethers tightly around her hand. There might be creatures in Professor K’s office that it would consider a tasty snack. She smoothed its feathers.

“Now you be good.” Talitha admonished Owl. “We’re company.”

Talitha brought her owl for two reasons. One, she loved the chance to so off her beautiful raptor. Two, Professor Kijewski might need to examine it. Talitha had to admit that she didn’t really know a lot about her feathered friend. She hadn’t even been able to sex it yet.

Quietly, she opened the door to the office and stepped inside. The CoMC prof. looked very busy. Most professors seemed to have a greater load of work to do outside of class than in. Talitha wondered if it would really be a profession she would like. Having experienced homework, she had already learned to despise having to do things that cut into precious free time.

“Good afternoon, Professor,” Talitha said, approaching the desk. “Thanks for seeing me.”
0 Talitha I try 0 Talitha 0 5

Professor K.

March 31, 2008 10:28 PM

So sorry for the delay! by Professor K.

Kiva smiled when Talitha entered her classroom. Though she enjoyed the girl in her classes, Kiva didn't really know much about her. It was actually quite rare to get to know her students on a personal level. She had only really gotten to know a select few for various reasons. Those were mainly due to circumstances beyond anyone's control. Students that needed special guidence. Those who didn't have the greatest of homelife. Or those who screamed for attention. They always overrode those who were quiet and well behaved. Those like Talitha.

Her eyes landed on the owl that Talitha brought with her. If Kiva remembered the letter from Sadi correctly, the Owl was the reason for this meeting. Kiva tilted her head slightly as she studied the owl from her current position behind her desk. Her eyes shifted momentarily to look at Ria, who was now awake and watching the second year student with her bird. Kiva knew that Ria would never go for the owl, she was far too used to them flying in and out of the office to really think much of them. But Talitha was a new person to enter the office and, therefore, something of an enigma to Ria.

"Of course." Kiva stated, gesturing to the chair directly across from her. "Have a seat, Talitha." The chair was large and overstuffed like much of the furniture in the Aladren commons. But it was comfortable and made people feel more at ease than a stiff back chair would have. "Professor Powell said that you wanted to talk to me about your owl? Is there something the matter?"
0 Professor K. So sorry for the delay! 0 Professor K. 0 5


April 01, 2008 7:25 PM

Not a problem by Talitha

Talitha sat down in the offered chair. She was grateful the chair was cushioned enough to let her rest the arm Owl was perched on. She knew Great Horned owls were one of the larger species, but never realized how heavy they could feel after a while. Since it’d been hunting on its own, she almost never carried it around anymore and the weight difference was very noticeable.

“No real problem, ma’am.” Talitha began. “I was just curious because Owl has become really special to me, more than any pet I’ve ever had and it seems to think the same about me. It’s just that I’ve been wondering about some of its behaviors. Owl seems to be able to know what mood I’m in and it will listen to me no matter how long I talk to it. If I practice my spells around it, they are always easier to learn than when it's gone hunting or on a delivery. I know raptors like attention, but don’t like a lot of petting but Owl loves it when I scratch its chest and smooth its feathers.”

To demonstrated, Talitha used her free hand and rubbed and index finger up and down the bird’s breast. Owl stopped swiveling its head around, interested at the new surroundings and tucked in its beak as it closed its eyes in seeming ecstasy.

“Another thing is I can’t figure out a name for it no matter how hard I try. It’s like Owl has a name already and isn’t willing to share just yet.” Talitha grinned self-consciously, knowing how silly that sounded. “It really wouldn’t change my feelings for Owl at all, but I was wondering if these are signs that it might be my familiar or is that my just imagination?

0 Talitha Not a problem 0 Talitha 0 5

Professor K.

April 09, 2008 9:56 PM

Hopefully this answers your question a little bit. by Professor K.

Kiva listened quietly and patiently while Talitha explained her situation to her. She was a curious girl, so it seemed. She was able to pick up on her Owl's behaviors when almost anyone else would have completely overlooked. That was a big difference between someone who had a pet and someone who considered the animal a part of their family. There was a connection there that only those who've ever experienced it could really atest to it. Who could understand it. But it was also a connection that was difficult to explain.

She tilted her head slightly as she watched Talitha interact with her owl. Kiva's eyes returned to her cat for a moment, watching Ria watch the owl with interest. Ria had been a gift from Kiva's father when Kiva had first left the house to travel the world. Her one true companion amongst a unit of researchers traveling together in search for answers. Kiva had treasured her cat as though she were her own child and Ria treated her with respect and with love as any child should to their parent.

"Well, Talitha, unfortunately there is no definitive answer as to whether or not familiars even exist within our universe." Kiva started, giving her a soft smile. Most magical being believed in familiars. Believed in a spirit that was brought forth to them to help with their magical abilities. To give them great strength in their lives. But there were still some who believed that it was only a myth. "Animals have a great sense of emotions. They run on instinct so they have to be aware of the atmosphere surrounding them. If you are visibly upset-even if you don't notice it yourself-an animal, like Owl, will pick up the subtle signs and react to them. That's not to say that Owl's connection to you isn't as deep as you'd like to believe. A bond of any kind will always make a relationship deep and the connections strong." Kiva didn't want to sound like a loon or not help Talitha at all with her issue. But, she couldn't give her a straight answer. She had no idea if Owl was her familiar. That was something that Talitha had to discover on her own.

"Let me tell you something, Talitha." Kiva started and gestured to her cat. "Ria has been with me since I was a young adult. Ten years and not a day goes by that her presence hasn't made my life something better. Is she my familiar? Possibly. The connection is certainly there. But I can't say that I ever gave her that label. Knowing that she's with me has always seemed to be enough for the both of us." She reached out and gently scratched Ria beneath her chin, listening to the quiet purrs that emitted from her cat.

"I'm sure Owl's presence effects you in a way that most wouldn't imagine possible. Whether he's your 'familiar' isn't something I can answer for you, but if you truly believe that it's possible, I don't see why you would even need to ask."
0 Professor K. Hopefully this answers your question a little bit. 0 Professor K. 0 5