Chris Dupree

December 05, 2007 6:08 PM

An Unhappy Birthday (5th Year Boys' Dorm) by Chris Dupree

When Chris woke up, he noticed that there was a package on his desk. Undoubtedly, it was from his parents since today was his birthday. As he made his way over in bare feet, he briefly wandered if Nicoletta had been sent anything and if she had, what, considering the current circumstances. Part of him felt sorry for her. She was foregoing her entire family for just the mere possibility, but no guarantee, of something else.

The other part of him envied her. She was willing to take an enormous risk. One that he wasn't sure he was willing to take. But what if she was right? What if it meant freedom? What if it meant happiness? What if he could have those things? Yet, Chris knew such thoughts were selfish. He might achieve those things, but he would still just be running from the problem rather than solving them and would just be allowing others to suffer, others that didn't have the courage to get out, those like him.

He gave a sigh, as he opened the letter that had been on top of the parcel. He was such a coward. It was no wonder his act of courage to tell Lexi how he felt had been through the form of a letter after she had broken up with him. What kind of man was he turning into? Was this really the life he wanted to lead? He knew the answer, as he unfolded the parchment, but what were the choices?


Your mother and I want to wish you the warmest of Happy Birthdays, today, the day of your sixteenth birthday. You are growing into the type of man every father wishes he could have for a son. More importantly, you are growing into the man who I know will be able to take care of the 'family business.'

On the note of such matters, it is important that I make two things perfectly clear. First, I am aware that as a young man you may become interested in some of the girls at Sonora. This is perfectly fine. I encourage you to enjoy the companionship of the other gender, however, keep in mind that they should only be that, a bit of fun, nothing more. I warn you now, for you will regret it, do not repeat Nicoletta's mistakes.

With the thought of your sister that brings me to my second point. I have given her one week to change her decision. If she does not, then at this time, you will consider yourself an only child. I do not want to hear any mention of her coming from you. I also do not want to find out that you have been associating with her. If I do, and I will find out, you know how dire the consequences will be.

This said, I hope you enjoy your gift. There is also one from Marie, who sends her love.

Happy Sixteenth,
Your father

Not bothering to open up the package containing the gifts, Chris slid it off his desk into the garbage can. The letter, in a crumpled ball followed. Giving a grunt, he went back and slumped onto his unmade bed. He ran his hands over his face before placing them behind his head. It was all too much. He was only sixteen years old, yet he felt as though he were carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and it was in chaos. Everything he wanted was ripped away and everything he didn't want was forced on him.

He didn't want to become Head of the Dupree line. He didn't want to become Head of Le Masque. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do, but he knew it wasn't that. When he was eleven, he had entertained dreams of becoming a Quidditch star and while he still loved the game, that had faded. Occasionally, when he allowed himself, he thought that maybe he would like to become an Auror or a Potions master, but he knew they were fruitless thoughts that he tortured himself with.

It wasn't the only thing he tortured himself with, as evidenced by his relationships. Chris knew before getting involved with Kaylie that he shouldn't have. He knew that one day he would be betrothed. Yet, he allowed himself to pretend that he could be a normal teenage boy. For awhile it had worked. But it had only been a matter of time until he had to end things with her. He cared a lot for her, but he knew if he allowed things to continue as they were, he would only end up hurting her more. She was a highly sensitive, delicate individual, who was becoming rather attached to him. It had hurt him to do, but it was for the best. She needed someone that could promise her an uncomplicated present and future.

Then, there was Lexi. She had started out as exactly what his father suggested. A bit of fun, but she had gotten under his skin. He had fallen for her. He was in love. She knew it too. He had vowed himself to her, as dangerous as that was. He knew that she might find someone else. She might even fall in love with the person. He knew he would die a little inside if she did, but he wanted her to be happy and so help the person if they ever hurt her. But he had hope, it was about the only thing that he had. He knew by rights he couldn't promise her anything, though he had. It was one he intended to keep. He just had no clue how. It scared him to think that the possibility was to sacrifice saving his family, but wasn't that what he was doing to himself? Where was the line?
0 Chris Dupree An Unhappy Birthday (5th Year Boys' Dorm) 0 Chris Dupree 1 5

Ben Stafford

December 08, 2007 9:46 PM

Erm... this is awkward. by Ben Stafford

Awkward is an awkward word, Ben decided, what with all those silly "w's" and most people ended up messing up the spelling anyway. So it was with these last parting thoughts that Ben awoke to another bright morning in the Aladren 5th years' dorm. Rubbing his eyes in the early light, Ben noticed Chris, a fellow fifth year, was awake and examining the package that was at the foot of his bed. For a moment, Ben just lay in his bed with the curtains drawn around him, hoping to buy himself a few more minutes before his roommate noticed. The other boy got up a moved to his desk, allowing for the opportune moment to make his presence known.

It was weird and quiet enough in their dorm before Chris dated his twin sister, but now post-break up, Ben found the silence even more unnerving. With a pained sigh, he pulled his curtains back and swung his legs around to the side of the bed. The floor was still cold, and Ben automatically pulled his feet up, drawing his knees up to his chin. Ben sat there for a moment before deciding to suck it up and get dressed.

"Morning," he briefly greeted the other boy, "And, uh... Happy Birthday, too."

As that was sufficiently awkward, Ben gathered up some clothes from his drawers and quickly showered and dressed himself. Returning to their shared dorm room, Ben sat down at the foot of his bed, deciding to make the effort and talk to the kid. He didn't look to be having the best day, and it was Chris' birthday, the whole breaking his little sister's heart notwithstanding.

"So, um," he started with a nod towards the package and letter, finding his usual eloquence to be failing him, "Present from the parents or what?"
0 Ben Stafford Erm... this is awkward. 58 Ben Stafford 0 5


December 09, 2007 10:46 PM

And it just gets worse by Chris

At the sound of a voice in the room, sullen blue eyes shifted from the ceiling to the boy he shared a room with. He found it odd to have Ben, Bella’s boyfriend, and more importantly, Lexi’s twin, talking at him. “Unfortunately,” Chris replied in a lifeless voice. He really had no excuse for it. Aside from the letter, nothing major had happened that morning, but already he felt drained from his reflecting on matters.

His eyes shifted to the package still in the garbage, a bit of curiosity rising within him. Perhaps, he should at least open it. If he didn’t and it was something rather important, his father was sure to find out and then he would just be in trouble at having to admit what he did. Sighing, he got off the bed and pulled the parcel out. Going back to his bed, he sat with his legs folded and opened the box. Inside was a book that bore his family’s crest along with another symbol and another smaller package.

As he had suspected, something of significance had been sent to him, however, nearly not caring at all and not wanting to deal with it, he threw the book to the floor. Then, he opened the other package, which contained…hair? Quickly, he opened the letter.

My darling, Christobel,

Enclosed is a certain cousin’s hair. This is just a mere sample of what I am capable of and it not anywhere near the actual possibilities. It was simply a little annoyance that caused this. Oh, and I have also contacted your tramp.

Love you forever,

Chris stared at the letter and at the hair for a moment, before, “What the hell?” The words echoed in the room, as he dropped the letter and jumped away from the contents. Lexi. Concern and anxiousness creeping into his voice, he asked, “Ben, has Lexi received anything from Marie?” He didn’t bother explaining who Marie was, as it was assumed that his sister would have already told him.
0 Chris And it just gets worse 0 Chris 0 5