Amy Fox

January 30, 2007 8:53 PM

Notice About Individual/Small Group Flying Lessons by Amy Fox

After last year's flying lessons Amy had quickly learned that allowing older students to attend the first year's lessons was a terrible idea. So, after much consideration, and a lot of convincing, Amy had decided to allow the older students to sign up for their own flying sessions. She was sure she was going to regret it, having mentally noted all of the negative aspects of the situation.

But, in the end, she had decided to go with it. Perhaps she might even find a few diamonds in the rough and enjoy herself.

Not likely, Amy thought as she magically sent the notices to each of the commons. The notice read:


If you are interested in learning more flying maneuvers, feeling that you only learned the minimal basics during your first year lesson, then this is for you.

Add your name and year to the list and I will contact you about an available time to set up a lesson.

Individual lessons are preferred, but groups of two or three will be accepted.

Amy Fox
0 Amy Fox Notice About Individual/Small Group Flying Lessons 0 Amy Fox 1 5

Zack Dill

February 15, 2007 6:12 PM

I'll do it by Zack Dill

It wasn't that Zack loved flying. In fact, when he thought about it too closely, it scared the bejeezus out of him. But he was a Seeker on the House team and he knew he wasn't fast by Quidditch standards. That was a serious weakness should it ever come down to a chase for the snitch, and Zack would not tolerate losing if there was something he could have done to better prepare for the match.

And so it was that he stood in front of the bulletin board and wrote his name on the individual lessons sheet. This was the first year since he started at Sonora that he wasn't going to be taking the first years' flying class, so it wasn't like he was going to be taking on an additional course that he didn't have time for in his schedule.

Really, this was a lot better. He had 'UP!' down to a fine art by now. And this way it wasn't going to be shoved in his face that he wasn't any taller than the average eleven year old.

Zack Dill, Year 5

He stepped back, verified his penmanship's legibility, then left the common room in favor of his Prefect Station.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
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