
February 11, 2007 5:41 PM

An owl with a no by Lucas

A large brown owl flew into the Aladren common room and headed straight for Lucas - he inwardly crossed his fingers; he knew it was a reply from his parents about the puffskein. The bird landed on the arm of the chair he was sat in, allowing him to untie the letter from its leg. Lucas took a deep breath.

Your mother and I discussed the pet issue at great length, and we are sorry to inform you that we still think you are too young to hold such a responsibility, even if the creature is so simple to care for. Maybe next year.
We hope everything is going well for you at school, and we all miss you. Dana is looking forward to seeing you again, especially. Everything is well here...

Lucas got bored of reading. He sighed - their 'excuses' were awful. Too young to hold such a responsibility? They'd sent him off to a boarding school all on his own, miles away from home, and yet he was too young to hold the responsibility of having a puffskein? Lucas couldn't stop himself from pulling a disgusted face.

"Pet issue." He spat, wondering why his parents had to be so weird about everything. He hoped that he wouldn't end up like his father, no matter how much he was a respected man. Sure, Lucas loved his parents, but sometimes they could be way too serious about things. \n\n
0 Lucas An owl with a no 0 Lucas 1 5