Lucas Smythe

January 08, 2007 2:40 PM

Writey writey! Tag anyone and everyone =P by Lucas Smythe

Lucas, armed with writing paper and pens, found himself a quiet corner of the Aladren common room to sit and write to his family. He had only written once since joining the school, and that was mainly to let them know that he had been sorted into Aladren and that he was safe and well. He felt that this letter deserved a little more detail.

Poising the tip of his pen - he was still quite messy with a quill and parchment - at the top of the paper, he thought about what had happened so far in his school life and who he had met. At only a few weeks into the term, he couldn't say that much had really happened, but perhaps telling his relatives about his lessons would be a good start.

Lucas unconsciously pushed his fringe from his eyes - something he was known to do many times a day - and stuck his tongue out in concentration as he began to write.

He would tell them about his lessons and teachers, and what was expected of him; he would tell them about his dormitory: how it looked and whether the bed was comfy enough; he would tell them of his new roommates and what he thought of them.

A few paragraphs in to the letter, he stopped to read it through, absent-mindedly humming to himself as he did so. It seemed alright, bar the fact he had actually mentioned whether he was well or on his deathbed and had somehow forgotten to enquire as to their health, but such minor things could be added afterwards.

Once again removing his often-straying fringe from his eye, he pondered over what to write to write next. As he was thinking, a shadow appeared on his paper, making him notice that he had company. He looked up at the other person and smiled: he never minded having a companion.\n\n
0 Lucas Smythe Writey writey! Tag anyone and everyone =P 96 Lucas Smythe 1 5