Professor Kijewski

April 09, 2005 8:44 PM
Kiva walked through the halls of the school with the children following close behind. Every-so-often if she took a passageway or back-tracked, she would pause briefly and make sure everyone was still with her.

Down the corridors and up the staircase. Down the hall and pausing before giant doors with signs about animals. They were standing in front of the library. "I'm about to show you exactly how to enter the Aladren Common room. You are not allowed to reveal this to anyone. Understand?" She asked, surveying the students around her. "Good. Now my office is just that door there." She pointed to a door a little way down the hallway, "There is also an entrance to it in the common room. Quickly, follow me."

She led them into the library. Row after row they walked between. There were many twists and turns throughout the isles of books that she was sure the students would become lost. Finally, they reached the last corner of the library. Her hands reached up and grasped an old book. She pulled on it and revealed the entrance to the common room. She gestured to the students to go through first and then followed them in after.

"Hello and welcome to Sonora Academy. This is the Aladren Common Room, your new home. I am your Head of House, Professor Kiva Kijewski. You may call my Professor K or just Kiva if my last name is too hard for you. Boys dorms are on the left and girls are on the right. Curfew is at 9. Anyone caught out after that is susceptable to punishment. Classes start bright an early tomorrow morning, so try not to be late. Are there any questions?"\n\n
0 Professor Kijewski Head of House Speech 0 Professor Kijewski 1 5


April 11, 2005 10:57 PM
Zoey was already sitting in the common room when their Head of House walked in with the new first years. She felt a sort of smug amusement in knowing that she already knew the rules of the school and the lay-out of it.

She also felt smug because she was a year older than them and therefore, their superior. Not that she would ever say that outloud or use it to her advantage.

The tall auburned haired, freckled girl sat in one of the couches watching them walk in, mainly watching their faces. From her seat, she could see everything, including their new Head of House. The woman, Professor Kijewski, looked young, but friendly. Zoey could recall Jinx who seemed to be the same.

Maybe this year it will be better for them. Jinx hadn't been around much, not that Zoey had needed her, but it would have been nice to have a Head of House who actually came around to chat with them. Of course, maybe their COMC class would be fun too. If Zoey liked animals that is. For now she sat back in her seat and waited for the dismissal. There were always questions. It was hardly avoidable.\n\n
6 Zoey Ah, another year, another HoH 39 Zoey 0 5


April 12, 2005 10:04 PM
Bella followed her Head of House through the school. She was mentally taking in everything so that she didn't worry about getting lost after this day. Getting lost and being late are two of many things that Bella couldn't stand.

They ended up at the library and Bella could only think that it was her Head of House who had gotten them lost. Only they were't. Seems rather fitting that the Aladren, or the Bookworms as Jake dubbed them, had their commons by the library. This thought made Bella smirk.

Now she stood amongst her peers listening to her Head of House introduce herself and then explain some of the rules at Sonora. At least Professor K. seemed easy-going and nice, if not a bit nervous. But, Bella could tell that she was definitely going to enjoy having her around. She seemed a bit more friendly than some of the other professors at the feast.

Bella stood by and waited to see if anyone had any questions before heading up to the dorms for the night.\n\n
0 Bella And so the year begins 0 Bella 0 5


April 13, 2005 10:06 PM
Running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, Ben listened to their Head of House, who was obviously new this year. He figured that was alright, considering the majority of the students gathered around in the common room were first years. As for second years, as far as Ben could see, there was only one, and she was a girl. Oh well, he thought to himself, I guess I'll have to get aquainted with the rest of the first years since I don't think the one 2nd year and I will get along...

He looked about him, and noticed a girl standing relatively near to himself. By her size and how her eyes were seemingly memorizing everything she saw, he judged her to be a fellow first year. That was good, since Ben didn't know too many people in his year, and being a loner definately wasn't a favorite thing of his.

"Hi there, I'm Ben Stafford," he said, turning to the girl with a smile. "Are you a first year Aladren too?" \n\n
0 Ben I can't wait! 269 Ben 0 5


April 14, 2005 10:52 PM
Bella turned her head slowly to the boy next to her. She was reacting slowly to just about everything at the moment. She supposed it was because there was so much to take in.

"Yeah, Bella Santoro. It's nice to meet you." Bella smiled politely to the boy named Ben. So far so good. She hadn't messed anything up, she hadn't said anything that would be offensive, and she hadn't fallen all over herself. Good.

"So, what do you think of Sonora so far?" She asked to keep the conversation going.\n\n
0 Bella I can...sorta 0 Bella 0 5


April 15, 2005 5:43 PM
Bella Santoro, he thought, What a lovely name. It must be Spanish, or something like that. Ben's father's family was English through and through, all of them having lived a great portion of their lives in the secluded Stafford Family Mansion in London. Ben and his twin sister Lexi were no exception to this frequency, considering they spent every summer at what was now their Grandfather's permanent residence. All the Ben Staffords owned the house after his predacessor passed away, and according to this, Ben would live there too, one day.

Coming out of his slight reflective moments, Ben redirected his attention to Bell. At the question posed towards him, Ben thought for a second. He'd barely seen anything of the school, just the Cascade Hall, and now their commonroom. It wasn't much to look at, but hey, it was his home for the coming year, so he'd have to come to like it. Or else.

"Well, I haven't seen the most important part of the school, which is the quidditch pitch, obviously, so until I see that and some of the grounds, I'm not going to pass judgement. For all I know, this place could be incredible... but I just haven't gotten to look around..." he said, taking a glance around their commonroom before coming back to attention to ask Bella a question. "So, do you know anyone here? A sibling, or friend, or something?" \n\n
0 Ben It doesn't matter, we're here anyway... 269 Ben 0 5


April 19, 2005 4:04 PM
Bella was watching Ben carefully. She had a habit of staring at people, trying to remember every detail about them. She supposed it was her constant need to know everything. She read and re-read every book she ever had just because she had a fear that she missed something important to the plot and had then misinterpreted the storyline. Jake always said it was the obsession in her that can never be stamped out. Her constant need for perfection. Not that she was anal about it or anything, but she just wanted to make sure everything was as it should be.

She frowned slightly when he said that he hadn't really looked around. They had passed through half of the school just to get to the common room. They even had to pass through the library. But, she had to agree, she wanted to see what the grounds looked like. She smiled when he mentioned the Quidditch Pitch, he promised to take her out flying at some point. Making plans with him would be hard though as he was in Teppenpaw and a Second year, while she was here in Aladren and a First year.

"Wha-oh, yes," Bella said, having forgotten herself in her thoughts, "I have a brother who goes here, Jake. He's a second year and a Teppenpaw. Plus, my best friend, Adam Whitney, he's a first year Pecari. What about you, do you know anyone?" Bella asked him.\n\n
0 Bella That's true 0 Bella 0 5


April 23, 2005 11:21 AM
Ben shifted slightly in position, noting that Bella was staring at him. It was an odd feeling, since no one ever directly stared at him unless it was his Father or Grandfather disciplining him, or his sister staring because she couldn't figure out what he was thinking. He didn't like people sitting there and visually analyzing everything about him- it sort of unnerved him.

Even then, it shouldn't have been a strange feeling, since Ben had people back at home at all of the Manhattan Area Quidditch League practices staring at him. He was his coach's star seeker, and so he got a lot of those 'Watch Ben do this' moments where the coach would use him as an example. Maybe it was this constant spotlighting that made him uncomfortable under a deliberate gaze.

"Well," he said, glad for the conversation diverting the stare's intensity, "My twin sister Lexi is in Teppenpaw. Although, I bet if you met her you'd never know she was even related to me aside from the last names... She's a redhead with loads of freckles, and I obviously have neither of those features." he said with a smile, brushing a piece of sandy blonde hair. \n\n
0 Ben Why are you staring? 269 Ben 0 5


April 27, 2005 10:04 PM
Bella tore her eyes away from him as he began speaking again. She had a slightly pink hue to her tanned features now that she realized she had been staring at him. She hoped he hadn't noticed.

Her dark eyes wandered up with his hand as he brushed at the strands of his light hair. He was the exact opposite of her. Light skinned, light hair, light eyes. While she stood with her spanish features of dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin. She hoped they didn't all look like him. She was so accostumed to being invisible that she didn't think she could handle sticking out in a crowd.

Not that it mattered. What was even stranger was that his sister, his twin sister, looked nothing like him. Or so he claimed. How can siblings, especially twins, not look like one another. She knew fraternal twins weren't going to look alike, especially with different genders, but still. They still looked like siblings. Bella, herself, looked like every single one of her siblings in one form or another. Standing next to each of them, anyone could tell they were family.

"Are you two really close? Or are you as different as your appearances?\n\n
0 Bella Does it bother you? 0 Bella 0 5


April 28, 2005 11:10 PM
It took Ben a moment to think about how to answer Bella's question. On one hand, he could have said that no, he and his sister were nothing alike at all, just from having said it on so many different occasions. On the other, however, he wanted to seem... normal. Well, as normal as a pair of fraternal twins could be. It was hard enough for people to accept them as being twins from just seeing them, but when you really looked deep down, it was probably even harder.

"Well, we're pretty close, but..." he said, trying to approach the question as tactfully as possible, "Lexi and I have different intrests... completely different. She's into the Healing, and I'm into quidditch. I can't blame her for taking such an interest in that field, and not mine; sorry, no pun intented. Anyway, like I was saying... oh yes, well our father is a pretty well-known Healer in the Northeast, so that's where she gets her inspiration from. As for me, I guess I'm the one who doesn't fit- my father's family are all healers, and my mother's a muggle, so playing quidditch is a way to do something no one else does."

Ben grinned, taking pride (but not an excessive amount) in his quidditch life. It really was something no one in his family had ever really thought of as their forte. Ben thought it was nice that even though biologically, he and Lexi were supposed to be very similar, the two of them were very different. Yet he believed that their differences complimented each other, making them as close as they were. \n\n
0 Ben Yeah... sorta 269 Ben 0 5


May 01, 2005 10:38 PM
Bella was surprised at how different the two of them, Ben and Lexi, were from one another. She could never understand such a difference between siblings. Even she and Sofia were something alike (even though only a tiny something) they were still somewhat alike. "Well, I'd have to say that it's a good thing you both have your own thing. That's hard to do when there are nine of you, all roughly the same age. Standing out and being different has already been done." Bella said, thinking of her own family and how much she was always overlooked.

"Oh, I love Quidditch!" Bella exclaimed, surprised by her own excitement and outburst. "Mean, I enjoy the game. My siblings and I always play during family get togethers. I'm actually excited about trying out for the house team. Not to say I'm good or anything, but it'll be nice to find out." Bella said with a slight blush to her cheeks.\n\n
0 Bella Sorry, I'll stop then 0 Bella 0 5


May 02, 2005 6:32 PM
"Nine siblings?" Ben asked, aghast.

Out of all the families he'd heard of, none had as much as nine. Sure, he knew people with four or five siblings, but 8?! Although, it did make perfect sense that Bella seemed to understand his individuality thing. It was hard enough to escape the assumptions that came with being Benjamin V, but to have so many other people, just in your immediate family was crazy! The Staffords were a neat size of five including Ben and Lexi's older brother Patrick.

"That's incredible," he continued, his look of surprise turning into a smile, "I could only imagine the kind of intense games you get going, all of you together! As for me, well, I play Manhattan League, so that's were I get my quidditch practicing in. Man, I wish I had that kind of oppourtunity, to play with someone whenever!"\n\n
0 Ben Okay, thanks I guess 269 Ben 0 5


May 08, 2005 9:22 PM
Bella was used to the type of reaction Ben was giving her now. It seemed like everyone was surprised by the fact that they had a large family. Bella didn't understand why though, they were spanish and Catholic, which usually meant a lot of siblings. Of course, it's not like anyone could tell they were Catholic and it was always the truth to say that spanish people or Catholics had many children, but it was a common stereotype.

"Jake plays in a minor league as well. During the summer him and Adam play on whichever team takes them and plays other teams in our area. But, yeah, it's nice to have everyone get together to play family games. You should see us with our entire family." Bella commented with a giggle, "It's the dirtiest thing in the world. Everyone cheats and everyone gets thrown in the mud. It's wicked fun." Bella wandered over to the first free seat she could find and sat down on it.

"So, besides Quidditch, what else do you like?"\n\n
0 Bella You're welcome 0 Bella 0 5


May 10, 2005 9:37 PM
"I bet so," Ben said, almost enviously. He had no one to play with at home, and their two-story Manhattan apartment didn't allow for a whole lot of quidditch practice. In rural London, however, at his Grandfather's mansion, there was enough space to put almost 12 full quidditch stadiums in the grounds area. However, even in England there was no one except for the occasional male cousin that was hanging around the manor to play with.

"So, besides Quidditch, what else do you like?"

A moment's pause rested a bit uncomfortably after the question. Besides Quidditch? It wasn't something Ben thought a whole lot about. Most of his life was filled with the things "proper upbringing" entailed: tutors, full schedules full of different specialist appointments and organized periods of pleasurable pursuits like Quidditch. Of course he had all the pureblood tutoring his father could call in, but that was just part of his daily life.

He'd wake up, eat whatever breakfast the kitchen staff had prepared, then plunge head-first into hours of tutoring and other pointless forms of self-torture. After lunch, which he had a two hour break for, he resumed lessons, then at roughly 3 o'clock, Lexi would get home from muggle school, and he'd head off to Manhattan League. Once home from that, he showered, read, then went to bed. That was his daily routine, and it suited him just fine.

"Well, nothing else I guess... Maybe you could count the city of London. Truly, it is an incredible place. It has museums, historical monuments, and most importantly, insanely good sports programs. My Father argues for the visiting all the museums, Mother enjoys spending our days there shopping, but Lexi and I always manage to get the Stafford Family quidditch box to watch some of the games. She even sometimes gets me to go visit some of the rural park areas there. Honestly, she's quite persuasive when she feels like it..." he replied with a grin. \n\n
0 Ben Well anyway... 269 Ben 0 5


May 12, 2005 5:07 PM
Bella smiled an understanding smile. Her siblings did the same thing with one another. If one of them really liked something that the others didn't really care for, it was easy to persuade at least one person to do what they wanted to do. Like, Jake could easily persuade Bella, or Julia could persuade Paul, and so on and so forth.

"I've never been to London, but I've got family who live in Madrid. You know, in Spain?" Bella said, "I love Madrid. So beautiful and full of so much tradition and culture." Bella's voice was soft and she had a pleasant sort of look on her face as her memories filled her of the place her Grandparents lived. "We've also got family all over Latin America. It's loads of fun traveling around to visit them. Do you go to London a lot?" Bella asked him out of curiosity.\n\n
0 Bella Yeah, let's move on! 0 Bella 0 5


May 13, 2005 11:07 PM
A light behind Ben's grey-green eyes sparked as he heard about her family in Madrid. Every summer when the Staffords visted London, he and Lexi would always spend the evenings after dinner in their grandfather's study, listening to his stories about the various Healing missions he went on to countries all around the world. Some of his adventures led him to exotic places, and others to beautiful ones, like his missions in Spain.

Ever since he was no taller than a small stool, Ben had been listening to great stories of mediwizard missions. His Grandfather Ben was a famous Healer, like his own father, and had traveled the entire world caring for the sick. The fabulous tales that unravelled from Spain, Portugal, and India fasinated young Ben, and to hear that Bella had family in Madrid was pretty exciting.

"You mean you've been there? Oh I bet that was incredible. My Grandfather Ben has about a million stories about the Healing Missions he went on to Spain. He says it's one of the most beautiful places in the whole world!" he stopped himself, realizing that he sounded rather like an energetic puppy. It was a fault, he knew, but it couldn't help but get excited when a topic he enjoyed came up.

"I go to London with my family every summer, it's a blast. I absolutely love that place, expecially because that's the only time I get to see my granfather. He's really an amazing person. It's a shame I'm no good at the healing business, otherwise I would follow his footsteps like my father did..." \n\n
0 Ben Yes, agreed 269 Ben 0 5


May 16, 2005 7:27 PM
Bella's dark eyes widened a bit when Ben started chattering away a mile a minute about Madrid and his grandfather. Well, at least she wasn't the only person in the world who was family oriented. Bella could never imagine living a day without having some sort of contact with all of her family. It seemed that Ben was close to his grandfather as she was with her large family.

"Yes, I've been to Spain loads of time and it is quite the beautiful place to see. I highly recommend visiting it at least once in your life." Bella commented, her voice softer as she spoke of it as though it was a magical place where only a select few have ever had the fortune of stumbling upon.

"How would you know you aren't good at Healing? It's not like you could know the spells or anything to really know, right? Maybe it's one of those things that takes time, patience, and a lot of work. I mean, I sure some of it is skill, but sometimes skill can be learned. You know, like riding a broom." Bella said in a way that stated she truly believed it and therefore, he should as well.\n\n
0 Bella so...what now? 0 Bella 0 5


May 19, 2005 8:17 PM
Ben shrugged, replying nonchalantly, "It just never seemed like my thing, that's all. I mean, Father tried teaching me and getting me into healing spells or potions, and I learned all about them, but I never really had his, or Grandfather's, or even Lexi's passion for that kind of thing. Maybe it'll change later on though..."

Honestly, he had tried to like healing, he really did. But it always seemed like the moment his hands were busy at work with potions and spell conjuring, his mind took the liberty to wander off out the nearest window outside to where he could be playing Quidditch. Ben wasn't one to not pay attention, or not give 100% to one thing. Yet somehow, it seemed to him that out of all his studies and courses, he never felt the desire to leave, or be somewhere else except for when he was with his Father, learning about Healing. He brushed the memory off, trying to focus back in on conversation.

"So, what kinds of things are you nervous about? Have you heard much about the professors? I mean, I assume your brother told you a lot about which teachers to be careful around, etc..." \n\n
0 Ben Good Question 269 Ben 0 5