Captain Alistair Johnson

September 01, 2017 9:49 AM
Alistair what not the least bit optimistic about Quidditch this year, after the great flop the previous term, but as Quidditch Captain he still had his duties and he wasn’t going to fail them.

He could’ve got his new Assistant Captain to do the sign-ups for him, since they were becoming a less and less appealing task as the years went by, but he hadn’t actually cornered Daniel and told him of his new position yet. In a rare moment of mild compassion, he had actually made the decision to allow Daniel to get settled in before throwing jobs his way. He’d heard about Raymond Fintoc’s poor health last term, the reason for Daniel and his cousins absence.

Alistair had pre-prepared the sign-up sheet and brought it down from his dormitory after the Opening Feast. He’d made it rather large this year, so it took up more space on the common room noticeboard than usual, but besides that there hadn’t been an exceptional amount of effort. Where was Caelia when he needed her… well, there were more pressing reasons why he wanted her there but it was no good thinking about that.


The head read in big bold crimson ink, a silver border sparkling around the edge of the parchment. Alistair had acknowledged his artistic talents, or lack thereof, and left out any eye catching little sketches. The writing itself could quite easily do the talking anyway - he didn’t need to go all Tepp on a dumb sign-up sheet.

Help your house out by joining us for a fun and competitive year full of Quidditch.

Sign your name, year and preferred position below. All abilities welcome. See you on the pitch for try-outs at 10am this Saturday.

Below he had signed his own name for example, and to remind hopefuls that the Seeker position was still taken - no way was he giving that up this year. If the scouts did come to Sonora, they had to see him play in his position, otherwise they’d miss his best skills.

Alistair Johnson, 7th year, Seeker
8 Captain Alistair Johnson Quidditch sign-up sheet. 306 Captain Alistair Johnson 1 5

Winston Pierce

September 05, 2017 10:38 AM
Winston was feeling pretty good coming into the new Quidditch season. (Which may or may not happen but honestly, Winston wouldn't be too fussed if it didn't since he had no chance of playing seeker for a Crotalus team but he had snagged the spot during one of last year's pick up games and even won!) Still, training with Alistair was good, and he got to play with Simon which was also good, so he did his part to encourage the season to follow proper conventions.

Winston Pierce, 3rd Year, Chaser/Reserve Seeker

As captain, Alistair had dibs on Seeker, of course, but maybe he'd let Winston practice against him some, at least in training for next year, and to have some competition for sharpening his own skills. Winston knew all too well the limits of playing alone, though seeker had a few less problems with it than the other positions, which was why Seeking was the only thing he could practice at home over the summer. Plus Father had been the Seeker for his House team during his school years, so even on those rare occasions when Father did have time to fly with him, that's what position Winston played then, too.

Next year, he told himself, next year he could Seek for Crotalus.
1 Winston Pierce Signing up! 370 Winston Pierce 0 5

Simon Mordue

September 13, 2017 4:07 PM
Vivid crimson ink, Simon thought grumpily as he blearily peered at the notice board before bed, ought to be punishable by law. It was so…loud, and it made his eyes wander from the actual text, and he was sure that if he attempted to read anything written in it which went on for any length, it would give him a headache worse than those Aunt Cynthia was prone to having. Simon had worried all the previous term that Aunt Cynthia might decide her head and her nerves and her other complaints meant she couldn’t survive looking after his cousins without his uncle (occasionally) in the picture and that she and his cousins should move in with him and his family permanently, but this, thank Merlin, had not come to pass – between Sylvia’s fawning attachment to Nathaniel and Nathaniel’s even more annoying attachment to his mother (once, when they had been staying with his family, Nathaniel had snapped at Simon to be quiet ‘because Mama is lying down in the other room’, quite as though they had not been in Simon’s own house!) and Jeremy being a pain any time Simon’s father wasn’t in the room, Simon wasn’t sure he could have borne that.

He hated to leave his own parents alone to deal with them all now, but also secretly proud that his mama and Sylvia, anyway, were made of sterner stuff than Aunt Cynthia and even more relieved that he did not have to pretend to be the same so he could deal with them all himself for a while. Well, he still had to pretend – it wouldn’t do to let his roommate, for instance, think he’d make a better heir to his family than Simon did to the Mordues, and part of the job was being able to handle these things with some poise – but…not as much. Or something.

In any event, he was here, they were there, he was sleepy, and the Quidditch sign-ups were written in vivid crimson ink, which should have been punishable by law. It did its job, he had to reluctantly admit, it drew the attention to the board and expressed Crotalus-ish sentiments by using a House color and all, but it was just so…red. He rubbed his eyes as he looked over how Alistair and Winston had signed up. He frowned slightly at the latter, realizing too late – as usual – an opportunity – how like Winston to figure out how to get closer to power! But even if Simon had thought of it first, he knew he was too clumsily-composed to make a very good Seeker, so this way couldn’t have worked too well for him, either….He really needed, he decided, to just sign up and go to bed and think more in the morning.

Simon Mordue, S Third Year, Chaser
16 Simon Mordue Sleepy, but present and accounted for. 369 Simon Mordue 0 5