Daniel Fintoc

August 15, 2016 11:17 AM

I've never done this before... (tag Kira) by Daniel Fintoc

Daniel had a multitude of places where he might be able to find Kira to talk to privately but after much inner debate on the best place, he settled for the common room one evening after dinner. That way he was guaranteed to see her before he could try and convince himself out of the decision he had already made.

Second years were still among the youngest students in the school and probably weren’t expected to have dates for the ball but that didn’t change the fact that Daniel wanted one. He liked girls and he wanted to join in the tradition of asking one lovely lady to dance the night away with him.

Thus he had vacillated between asking Artemis Leithan or Angelique Brockert for some time. He wasn’t particularly close to either of the girls but he figured he knew them best since they were the only students in his house from second year and they would both have made very appropriate and impressive dates. But he had found he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t possibly choose one girl over the other, even if he knew deep down which one he would rather have gone with, because that was just unkind.

Daniel had thought he might well have to go by himself. After all, the one girl he might dream about going with already had a date and would have been mocked if she had been his date. That was all until he was studying in the library with his cousin, and Chuck had called over a Miss Kira Spaulding and the second year’s mind had quickly begun plotting without his permission.

He hadn’t heard any talk about Kira having a date and thought he would easily be able to pick up if she did because the ball was currently a major topic of gossip at Sonora as it drew nearer. Nevertheless, he decided to ask Alistair for confirmation on her ball date status because he was good friends with a girl who was apparently her cousin. The older boy had been very helpful, although oddly enough it hadn’t seemed like he was the messenger but instead the advice he had given that was specific to Kira had felt like it had come directly from him. Daniel shook himself of this weird notion, however, because he knew that Alistair would have asked Kira to the ball if he’d wanted to and it had already been made clear to him who the Quidditch captain was really interested in anyway.

“Kira,” Dan said to get her attention as she entered the common room. He thought he could address her using her first name now. It was true that they’d only really had one proper interaction that he could recall but Chuck had introduced them to one another and it had all felt casual. “I know you don’t know me all that well… yet. But I was wondering,” the second year tried very hard not to let any colour rise to his cheeks as he fumbled his lines, but he could feel them growing warm (which probably presented itself in a slight pinkness). “I was wondering if you would consider doing me the honour of attending the midsummer ball with me?”

Dan bit his lip, far more nervous for the response than he thought he would be and hoping his sentences had been as coherent as he thought they were. “That is, if you don’t have someone else in mind, of course,” he added, because the last thing he wanted to do was make the mistake of believing her to be dateless when she wasn’t, although he trusted his sources well enough.

He thought he’d been quite brave to ask Alistair because the older boy could so easily have mocked having the audacity to go after someone as wonderful as Kira Spaulding but there was no one else he could have turned to. The idea of talking about her to Chuck had felt too weird and he had secretly worried that his cousin might become possessive about his friend, something he hadn’t wanted to think about too much because it would only put him off asking her.

Daniel had wanted to keep his plans to ask Kira on the downlow as much as possible, thus only confiding in one person who wasn’t likely to gossip about second and third years (who Alistair seemed to view as beneath him), so that it wouldn’t be such a fall from grace if she rejected him. Fortunately, Kira didn’t seem like the type of girl to try and humiliate others so Dan thought he was pretty safe in that respect.
8 Daniel Fintoc I've never done this before... (tag Kira) 333 Daniel Fintoc 1 5

Kira Spaulding

August 20, 2016 7:00 PM

And I've never been asked. by Kira Spaulding

The ball was fast approaching and Kira still didn't have a date or even someone to hang out with. It would figure that she would be a dateless, friendles-well, she had friends but they had dates- loser. She usually felt unwanted and this was just serving to remind her of such. Kira didn't really know why it was this way, but apparently every single trait she possessed was the opposite of what society valued. People either wanted someone who was the ideal pureblood lady like Kelsey or someone who was more outgoing like Gia Donovan.

Granted, part of the reason that Kira was so shy was because she felt inferior and felt she'd be judged inadequate by anyone she socialized with especially those who also socialized with Kelsey. She was naturally an introverted person anyway but that didn't mean she didn't want to be liked. Unfortunately, being so didn't help matters and it was just a vicious cycle that she knew she'd never be able to break. The Crotalus could not be someone she wasn't. Anyway, how could she ever feel better if nobody accepted the person she was?

Now she felt like the very bottom of the barrel. Like any guy who was left would rather go alone than with her. In some ways, this was worse than the balls she attended over midterm or would over the summer. Kira had to see these people day in and day out for most of the year. That meant that they had more ideas about who she was than someone she'd meet at a ball outside school and had rejected her accordingly.

Maybe she would just skip the ball completely. She could just go eat dinner and come back up. Why bother sitting there alone, humiliated? Spending time by herself was one thing but being by herself in a crowd was quite another. The fact that nobody really wanted to spend time with her would be there on full display. Plus, it would be a bit boring sitting there with nobody to talk to and nothing to do.

Suddenly Kira was aware of someone approaching and heard a voice address her by name. She blinked as she looked up to see Daniel Fintoc. What he said took her by total surprise. This late in the game, she didn't expect to be asked. Actually, she never had. "S-sure." Kira stammered, her face flushing. She hoped Daniel didn't change his mind because of that.
11 Kira Spaulding And I've never been asked. 320 Kira Spaulding 0 5