Alistair Johnson

March 06, 2016 4:15 PM

Fetch me a river (continued from MARS). by Alistair Johnson

Alistair had done so well to avoid Joella since December and occupy himself with more important things. He was therefore very cross with himself for lingering in the MARS room. If he’d just walked straight out when he realised who it was on the broom, he could have saved himself a whole lot of feeling. He could only hope that Joella didn’t read too much into him putting the mat down. Hopefully she would take the bait and think he was scorned her abilities and just trying to put her down, rather than the truth. The truth was something that Alistair didn’t even want to admit to himself but there was only so much he could hide from him. He knew he’d wanted to help her, to teach her to get the trick right because it was one he knew.. and whilst that in itself could be justified by his desire to show off his Quidditch knowledge and to teach others, the fact that he hadn’t been able to leave without putting a crash mat down just in case wasn’t so reasonable. Learning difficult tricks up that high on a broom could be dangerous in itself but teaching yourself alone was equally so and apparently Ali still cared about Joella’s safety.

As he left MARS he tried to shake the whole encounter out of his head but it refused to leave and kept replaying in his head. Fine, maybe he did still care about Joella but not in a romantic way… They were old friends and went back a long way so wasn’t it natural that he still held some regard for her? Since returning to Sonora after the midterm break he’d found a number of ways to take his mind off her and he hated to think all that work had gone to waste. In some ways, having to spend an hour inside Ginger Pierce’s body was the best thing that could have happened to him (although he very much failed to see it that way and was still completely embarrassed just thinking about that horrific lesson that Professor Pye had somehow deemed appropriate). Ever since that DADA class he hadn’t been able to get her out of his mind (although most certainly he had tried). Although in many ways thinking about Ginger wasn’t something he should be doing either because she was a California Pierce and publicly declaring any affection for her would mean going against all that he stood for. It totally sucked that he fell for all the wrong girls.

Heading into the Crotalus common room he took solace in the fact that he was entering safe territory. Most of the girls in this part of the school that he had ever paid particular attention to were exactly the sort of girls he should be paying attention to and therefore would hopefully provide some good distraction. Alistair took up residence in an armchair, leaning back into to in and rubbing his face with his hands in the manner of someone who had had a particularly long day.

“Fetch me a drink,” he said to the nearest person, only aware that they were small enough not to be a particularly old student but not stopping to check who exactly they were. He was Quidditch Captain so surely he had some authority over the younger years, although for all he knew he could have been talking to Kelsey and Caelia but that wasn’t something he could be bothered to think about right now.
8 Alistair Johnson Fetch me a river (continued from MARS). 306 Alistair Johnson 1 5