Aubrielle Thornton

August 01, 2013 11:36 AM
Just before the end of the first half term, Aubrielle had finally gotten up the nerve to ask Professor Olivers and Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau if she could start a Drama Club. With all the other new clubs popping up Bri thought it would be a fun thing. With Professor Olivers clearly excited and on her side, she asked the school’s headmistress. It had been okayed with the promise that if there was a show involved or even a showcase, the Headmistress was asked and permission given. Bri knew that to put signups for her new club up right as they were leaving for Winter Break made no sense, so instead, she waited until they got back to school. Her foot still twinged a bit every now and again, but mostly it was fine. Medic Bailey had done a great job in healing her and the others on the teams. Her heart beat excitedly in the fact that she not only caught the Snitch, but she helped her team FINALLY win a game because of it!

Right after her foot was healed (and she was sure that Rina and Mitri were okay), she sent a letter to Arista about the win. Ris had written back that she was very proud of her little sister and couldn’t wait to see her at the Wedding to congratulate her.

That had occurred and the night before the wedding itself, the party also included a cake for the Winning Teppenpaw team, 3/7ths of which were there. Bri was glad her sister was proud of her and made it a point to tell Arista that they’d won for her, for Kirstenna and Kate. She remembered telling her that they played to win, and they played for the older girls who had graduated.

Bri had even asked Ris to send Kate and Kirstenna a letter to tell them that, though she wasn’t sure if her oldest sister had done so or not. Waverly and Clara were there at the Wedding, so she spent the majority of her time with them (mostly with Waverly, as Clara was occupied by Dean). Bri had felt bad for her cousin, but there wasn’t anything that she could have done to help her.

But, seeing as they were back at school and the Returning Feast was complete, Bri set up her sign-up sheets in the MARS Rooms, Cascade Hall and Teppenpaw House. She also gave one to Analea, Abigail and Amira to be put up in their houses as well. The fourth year knew that she wasn’t allowed into the other houses and she wouldn’t be caught doing such, but it came in handy when her family spanned all four houses!

The fun part about the signups was (with the help of her mother) if a name was written on one of the sheets, it was transferred to the others too. Bri liked that, and thought it was fun.

Come and join the new Sonora Drama Club! We will meet on Sundays from 1-3 in the MARS Music Room! Please sign up here and come join me this Sunday for our first meeting! Please write your name, year, and any experience you may have or want to have!

Aubrielle Thornton, fourth year Teppenpaw, I‘ve been doing theatre since I was three, so I have practiced in many areas and look forward in the future to more! she put her sign up in Cascade Hall right after the Feast and then up in the Tepp Commons when she went up there. The next morning they went up in the MARS Room when she went to practice.
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