
January 07, 2010 5:05 AM

Letter for Talitha by Owl

Dear Talitha,

Classes are going okay and my teachers are all right, but I haven't really made any new friends. I don't think I really fit in with the other students here, any more than I did at Sonora. I usually spend time by myself, or with Afton Stokes-remember her, one of the transfers from Salem? I think she sang the Teppenpaw solo at the concert-or with Marshall.

Kaylie is usually with her boyfriend. Marshall is still drinking...a lot. Let's see, what else? I hate my dorm. I wanted to be in Sultana, which is the apartments where everyone has their own room. Instead, I'm in Merlo, the all male dorm. I don't have a roommate, thankfully, but next year, I could be put with one and I don't really...trust most people. I plan to move,if possible.

Plus, on Halloween, someone in my dorm threw a party. I, of course, didn't go. Even if I'd wanted to, and been comfortable in costume, there was a theme of muggle musicians, and I was obviously not going to know any of those. Marshall went though,probably because there was an open bar. I ended up going to the library until it closed and then switching room keys with my cousin and sleeping in his room. I couldn't stay in my dorm and have to hear people partying and having a good time while I'm alone.

I am absolutely not going to date any other girl. Even if I did have an easy time talking to people and socializing, I wouldn't. I only want you . You don't have to worry about Afton either, I think she has a boyfriend from her old school. And I'm related to most of the other people I talk to.

Speaking of relatives, how are mine at Sonora doing? Chelsea's not giving you problems is she?

I miss you like crazy of course, I wish everyday that you were here and really hope you come when you graduate from Sonora. Good job on your grades, and sorry about Potions and History. Me, I always had trouble with DADA the most. I'm just not aggressive enough for it.

I think being a Healer or Medicine Woman of the heart and mind would be a wonderful career choice and that you'd be good at it. There are so many people out there that are hurting over non-physical issues.

And of course we should get together over Winter break! I wouldn't have it any other way.

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