Alexis Ashwood

November 09, 2008 1:22 AM

Ending the year...(any roomies here?) by Alexis Ashwood

It was that time of year again. People were out having fun, last minute bonding, fighting, etc. But not Alexis Ashwood. She was packing. This summer might be a little different. First of all, she was going to hang out with her mom for a little bit. They were going to talk, try and bond or whatever mothers and daughters did. The best part was that there would be no Allaiyah. The brat could stay with her father, she didn’t care. More importantly, she was positive the little mudblood Hyana wouldn’t be there to ruin things, which would upset Josiah. She loved seeing her Joey so upset. It pleased her.

Of course, that was kind of strange too. Ever since the fight she had with Josiah, Alexis hadn’t really bothered him. He had tried to stick up for her, not get her in trouble. He was stupid for doing that, of course, but she couldn’t understand why. He hated her and she hated him. She didn’t understand why he would defend her like that, so she had stayed clear from him.

Half of her clothes were packed, the other half was not and stayed in a pile on a part of her bed. Ugh, she hated doing her own work. She’d love to make a house elf do her work but she doubted that was allowed here. She wasn’t going to risk another detention. Her father was furious enough. She plopped down on her bed, grabbing her yearbook. Maybe she should invite someone over during the summer…maybe Renaye. After all, she was one of the only people who signed her yearbook and understood the whole Quidditch thing…sort of. Or Holly. They could go shopping at any Wicked! store. Or maybe all three. In the middle of these not-Alexis thoughts, one of her roomies walked in. She put a smile on her face, not sure who was walking in the room.

“Hey, ready for the summer?” she asked. “I haven’t even finished packing.” She sighed. Yeah, no need to tell them that, since they could see the clothes on her bed. But no matter. She was never the brilliant conversationalist anyway.
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