Delivery Owl

June 09, 2006 10:20 AM

Present for Jennifer Z by Delivery Owl

A large brown owl swooped in through the open Crotalus Common Room window, settling rather awkwardly on the back of a chair. It wobbled and regained its balance several times, all the while trying to maintain a look of dignity that positively dared anyone to laugh at it.

The reason its balance was so precarious was that a large box was tied to its legs. Within the functional outer cardboard box, was a shiny white one, embossed with the logo of Impsford: Fine Chocolatiers since 1705, and tied with a red ribbon. The gift tag bore a message written in elaborate loopy writing, the finest the senders' names had ever been 'signed' in, and entirely inappropriate to the language of the message they had requested be written there:

'To Jen,

This really doesn't measure up to what you did for us, but we wanted to say thanks a bunch, and this was the best way we could think of. We hope you enjoy them. You rock, and we won't forget it.

Ash and Sorrel.'

It was a little while after the match, so they hoped the lapse in time hadn't been taken as any kind of ingratitude on their part. They'd wanted to make sure they got Jennifer something nice, and it taken time for them to find posh enough chocolate and for the order to be dispatched and processed, plus they had had to beg their mum for an advancement on their pocket money. \n\n
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