TJ O'Riley

January 31, 2005 5:06 PM

Returning from home by TJ O'Riley

The red and silver curtains were the first things that TJ saw as he stepped into the Crotalus Common Room after the mid-term break. The second was a Christmas Tree its leaves littering the floor of a previously clean and expensive rug. TJ frowned. Nothing bothered him more than when the House Elves didn't do their jobs. It was the first sign of laziness- the first sign of rebellion.

Flicking his wand in the general direction of the stairs he didn't bother to watch the bag of clothes land gently on his bed, barely missing a fourth year as it made its speedy way up the staircase. Nothing really bothered him today. He'd come back from an agreeable holiday with his family, and right now his goal for today was to avoid anything and everything that would ruin the feeling of superiority that came over him when he out-matched his father in chess.

Home was where he really wanted to be- away from the crazy mudbloods and fools running around the school halls. Instead he was stuck in this mud hole, and this was where he would stay for the next few months of his life.

It would be a long year. \n\n
0 TJ O'Riley Returning from home 0 TJ O'Riley 1 5


February 04, 2005 12:39 PM

Busy, busy, busy by Scurry

The holidays had been quite busy for poor Scurry. Firstly the wonderful Headmistress had tried to give all the prairie elves a holiday too. It had taken quite some work to try to convince her that a holiday was not something that they wanted (actually a couple of the lazier elves had dropped everything and disappeared at that announcement), and the situation had become even more difficult when Master Paul Simon had joined in - actually backing up what the headmistress had said.

He had been torn. On one hand, there was work. On the other, Master Paul Simon wanted them to have a holiday. Scurry had tried. Truely, he had tried.

Scurry had set himself up a little deckchair on the roof so as to sunbake (he had heard of this passtime from listening to many students talking about their holidays) but it had been terrible chilly with the snow, and without meaning to, he had ended up clearing out the gutters. Scurry punished himself by throwing himself from the rooftop into some very spiny bushes.

So Scurry had tried sleding, like some of the students who had stayed. He hadn't been very good at that either. Something about balance always seemed to not quite work for him. He wasn't very sure, but he suspected it might have been due to his shorter ear. In the end, he had found himself clearing paths in the snow. Scurry punished himself for that by walking in front of an oncoming sled. It had knocked him down and gone right over him without the young master on board even having been aware of what caused the minor bump in his ride.

It had been a terribly hard time, and therefore, Scurry was very glad that the holidays were over.

There was so much that needed to be doing.

He had tidied the rooms of the young masters, and then the young mistresses of Crotalus house. There had been piles of ripped up wrapping paper that required being cleaned up, and there were dirty clothes, kicked into corners and hidden under the beds that needed to be sent to the laundry. And that was all before he made it down to the common room.

Reaching the lower level, the first thing he spotted were leaves! Leaves covering the pretty rug. Shaking his head in dispair, he clicked his fingers once - which sent the tree away... he wasn't quite sure where - and then again - which summoned a rake to his waiting hand. Which wasn't quite prepared. Luckily, as a prairie elf, he wasn't bothered by the knocks and bumps that he incurred. Picking himself up, he hefted the rake (which was easily twice his height) and set to raking the rug.

It seemed to get caught up alot. Tangled even, in the weave. Scurry frowned, and gave a great tug, bowling himself over again, but succeding in pulling the rake free. The rug looked a little different, but Scurry didn't notice as he continued diligently with his task.\n\n
39 Scurry Busy, busy, busy 0 Scurry 0 5

TJ O'Riley

February 11, 2005 7:54 PM

Despicable Creature by TJ O'Riley

The moment the prairie elf arrived TJ promptly turned his back, dismissing the creature behind him. As long as the mess behind him was cleaned up, TJ did not mind the despicable figure. Nor did he care to see the prairie elves disgusting appearance.

The loud crash of metal hitting flesh amused him. Prairie elves were not known for their grace or their elegance. What they did to themselves was not TJ's concern, but their clumsiness and absolute servitude made TJ view the creatures with scorn, superiority and amusement. The sound of ripping, however, turned him on his heels. Twisting around with almost uncanny speed he stood, staring in disbelief at the previously unflawed rug.

Little strings of thread protruded from the weave causing the pattern of the snake to jut out at odd angles, leaving the eyes of the reptile to look slightly crazy unlike the cunning eyes that existed before.

His eyes flashed dangerously.

Hours of work, loads of money. All ruined by one prairie elves incompetence.

"How... you!" He could not put words into his feelings. The Headmistress needed to hear about this iniquity.

His hands itched to slap the creature silly, but one look at the repulsive appearance changed his mind. He opened his mouth and closed it again, for once his elegant mask ripped off his face in surprise. This was the end of the line. The absolute end to the line.

Storming to the entrance of the Common Room, he glanced backward towards the elf with the rake, and pointed, his finger shaking with pent emotion.

"You. Come with me."\n\n
0 TJ O'Riley Despicable Creature 0 TJ O'Riley 0 5


February 12, 2005 10:33 AM

*cowers* by Scurry

Scurry, like all Prairie elves - and their cousins the House elves - was particularly sensitive to changes in the area around him, especially where the young masters and mistresses were concerned.

He froze, leaves still only half raked.

"How... you!"

The young master sounded terribly upset, for reasons Scurry could not fathom, although from experience he suspected it was him. Especially as there no one else in the room. The fact that the young master was staring at him also seemed a rather good indicator.

He threw himself prostate and wailing in front of the young master, even as the young master turned on his heel and marched to the exit. The rake, apparently not realising that it's job was to be left undone, came with him clunking him soundly on the head.

"You. Come with me."

Looking up, he saw the young master pointing.

Cowering slightly at the anger apparent in the young masters eyes and his inability to even keep his finger still - a terrible sign Scurry thought. Head hung, he followed the young master...\n\n
39 Scurry *cowers* 0 Scurry 0 5