Atlas Primred

November 14, 2013 11:14 PM

First year boys' dormitory (Brandon Carey) by Atlas Primred

Atlas lay stomach down on his bed, arms propping himself up. He moved his eyes from his dad’s old botany book, which he had taken to quench any homesickness, and his roommate’s vacant bed. “I’m going to talk to him today,” he promised himself.

Atlas usually hated being in dormitory type rooms, they brought back too many bad memories, but he was willing to put up with it for the chance of making a friend. Atlas had thought all week about talking to his roommate, but the right situation never came up, and whenever Atlas went up to the room, he usually tried to fall asleep as quickly as possible, he didn’t want to spend hours looking at the ceiling. He left that life a long time ago, even being in the dorm now, placed pains in his chest. Turning back to the book, he laid down his head on it, smelling the old pages. Taking a deep breath, his brain flooded with the memories of home.

He remembered his first trip to the University with his dad. He recalled looking through all the books in his dad’s office, taking interest in an old one with a lot of beautifully drawn figures of plants. It was then that he received his first present ever, a botany book of plants from around the world, and one of his most prized possessions. Atlas gazed over at his nightstand, looking at the picture of his beloved family during one of their many hikes in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Although he stuck out like a sore thumb, being an auburn haired Japanese boy in a family of Caucasians, he never felt more at home then when he was with them.

"You are the social one,” he said quietly to his sister in the bottom portion of the photo. Sitting up, he got up off the bed and placed the book on the nightstand next to the picture. After letting himself stretch a little, Atlas stood crossing his arms and tried to imagine what his sister might say in this kind of situation.

Just smile and say, 'Hi, I know I haven’t introduced myself to you yet even though we are roommates, but I’m Atlas, lets be friends ok?’” Atlas laughed out loud imagining his sister giving him advice on how to make friends, despite her being only 5 years old. “Ok,” he thought smiling, “I’ll do it your way sis.”

And don’t forget to be friendly, ” Atlas remembered his sister saying to him countless times back home. “Yea,” Atlas thought with a smile, “I’ll be friendly.”

OOC: I hope it’s ok that I tagged you; I thought it was about time our characters met if they are dorm mates. Anyways for the purposes of responding, you can just assume that Atlas would in fact introduce himself in the way his sister suggested. Tag me in Questions and Comments if you need any clarification.
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