Josephine Owen

June 15, 2011 8:02 AM

Back for my second year by Josephine Owen

Josephine had just finished unpacking all her things, and in record time - last year it had taken her about two weeks to unpack all her belongings. This year, Josephine had been less excited, considering this was her second year, not her first, and had brought a lot less with her. She knew what she did and didn't need while she was at school, and she'd be returning home at midterm, anyway. She could no doubt last until then. She had her textbooks, writing materials, a selection of clothes, her toiletries, some crafting materials, and her stuffed hippo, Teddy. She didn't think there was anything else she needed.

So now her unpacking was done, Josephine could relax. She took her patchwork quilt supplies down with her to sit in the commonroom. She'd spent so much of her holiday in her more-than-usually-crowded bedroom, as Ayita had been sharing it, as well as Jade, so was pleased to have the extra space. Picking a piece of floor out of the way, Josephine stole a cushion from the couch, and sat herself down cross-legged on it. She laid her squares of fabric out on the floor, and picked up the start of her quilt - just six pieces so far. Using pink thread, the second year made ready a needle, tied her long brown hair back into a ponytail, and then she was all set to go.

Picking out a new square - this one was purple with pink rabbits on - Josephine held it in place with her left hand, and in her right hand she held her wand. As her mother had taught her, Josephine used her wand to guide the needle in and out of the fabric, making small, neat stitches to join the fabric together. It wasn't in as straight a line as if she had been using a sewing machine, but she didn't have one to hand. besides, the quilt would be more authentically handmade this way.
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