Saul Pierce

April 08, 2009 12:45 PM

Post Concert Party! by Saul Pierce

Saul returned to the common room loaded down with food ranging from very unhealthy to almost good for you. There were chips and candy and baked goods and fruits and crackers and cheese and pepperoni (it wouldn't be a party without pepperoni) and even vegetables and dip. There was soda and juice and water, too. He was accompanied by three prairie elves to help carry it all.

"Celebratory party!" he called out, as another elf set up a table just in time for all the food and drink to be loaded onto it. "Great concert guys. Eat!" He drew his wand and straightened to his full 5'11" frame. The imposing Evil Creature of Dark Sorcery costume helped, as he mock-threatened, "Have fun or else!" He tucked away the wand and evilly twirled his fake mustache.

Then he grinned an utterly un-evil grin as he spotted one of his Housemates heading his way. "Awesome job tonight!"
1 Saul Pierce Post Concert Party! 82 Saul Pierce 1 5

Elly Eriksson

April 18, 2009 1:40 PM

Gee, sure is quiet here by Elly Eriksson

The concert had been fantastic; Elly had pretty much forgotten all about the Head Boy thing by the time she got back to the commons. She probably would have remembered upon seeing Saul, if he hadn't been dressed as the Evil Creature of Dark Sorcery and accompanied by elves bearing food. A thought suddenly occured to Elly, and she dashed up the stairs to her dorm so fast she actually slipped over and crashed her knee in a step, but she got back up soon enough and found what she was looking for.

Less than a minute later she returned with a cardboard box tucked under her arm. She headed over to where the elves were setting up the grub, under Saul's watch. Opening the box, she added her own contribution to thr food: cookies that she had baked in the commons using her History textbook (it wasn't good for anything anymore - Elly was fairly sure she'd failed that exam) and a nifty heating charm. There were chocolate chip, cherry, and oatmeal cookies - she wanted to see which were most popular.

"Awesome job tonight," Saul grinned.

"Totally," Elly replied cheerfully. "We are an awesome lot." It was true; all the other Houses had performed equally well, Elly knew, but there was nothing to stop them from lauding in their own group glory in the seclusion of their commons. "Great job, everyone," she told the rest of the students gathered.

Then, to Saul, she added, "Try a cookie." Helping herself to one, she leaned closer to Saul - very aware that they were both prefects and as such nobody else should hear what she was about to say - and said, "They're for my end of year prank. Are my baking skills up to scratch?"
0 Elly Eriksson Gee, sure is quiet here 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5


April 20, 2009 1:00 PM

I know. And we're supposed to be the loud House by Saul

Saul helped himself to one of Elly's chocolate chip cookies at her invitation, but hesitated just before taking a bite as she told him they were a key ingredient to her end of year prank. Deciding they were probably safe until that launched, he finished biting down on the baked goodness and chewed thoughtfully, testing its taste as a qualified cookie connoisseur.

After a moment, he swallowed the bite and nodded approvingly. "Better than Mom's," he told her honestly, though he figured it probably didn't bear mentioning that his mother was only a mediocre cookie baker. "Better than Maria's, too," he added, because that was much higher praise. "I approve."

He leaned in a little closer and lowered his voice to match her own. In his costume, it couldn't possibly look like they were doing anything other than conspiring, but he hoped most people were otherwise engaged eating the bounty the elves had provided and talking to each other.

"So do I get to know the plan? I'm not Head Boy, so I'm totally available to help out, if you need it. And I might have to consult you for my senior year prank next year, which I totally need to do now."
1 Saul I know. And we're supposed to be the loud House 82 Saul 0 5


April 22, 2009 1:37 PM

Go figure by Elly

Elly beamed at the praise. If she failed at magical education, at least she'd learned how to make good cookies.

Saul, of course, wanted to know more about the prank. Trying to look inconspicuous, Elly helped herself to a couple of the more savoury snacks and tried to make sure nobody overheard her speak. "The plan is to give people free cookies," she said with a smile. "No harm, no foul." She paused a little for effect before adding, "Of course they won't come with an ingredients list."

Smiling as she munched a cheese cracker, Elly swallowed before explaining a little more. "I've brewed up something fabulous that might find its way into some baked goods," she said, trying, but failing, to be serious. "That's all I'm prepared to give away, I'm afraid," she sighed dramatically. "But if you want to help distribute cookies then I'd love the assitance."

It was common for Elly to employ friends' help when executin her pranks. Not only did it make her life easier, but it made the tricks more difficult to trace back to her, too. She'd so far managed to get away with every prank pulled at Sonora, and she hoped this year's event wouldn't stain her clean record. It was, however, more unusual for her friends to pull their own pranks. Saul obviously wanted to step into the limelight while he still had the chance.

"Totally," Elly agreed, nodding so that her curls bounced around her shoulders. "And you know I'd be more than willing to help," she grinned like a Cheshire cat. "So do you have any ideas? Or are we still in the planning stage here?"
0 Elly Go figure 0 Elly 0 5

Saul Pierce

April 23, 2009 2:22 PM

It's just not right by Saul Pierce

Saul nodded, understanding her wish to keep the surprise to herself. Saul could usually keep a secret when he had to, especially if they weren't his own secrets, but if it was a really good idea, which Elly's pranks always were, he'd be hard pressed to keep it to himself. It was probably best that he didn't know. If the subject ever came up, people would know he knew. Meredith or Irene could probably even get it out of him.

Besides, he liked being surprised, so he wasn't even disappointed. At Maria's surprise party last summer, he'd been tasked with getting her to the right tent, and he'd been even more surprised than she was. That had been an awesome party. Way better than the family meeting that he thought he'd been escorting her to.

"Sure," he agreed readily, when she offered to accept his assistance in distribution. "Give people cookies." He looked over at the table where he and elves had distributed the goodies for the party, then grinned back at Elly. "I think I can handle that."

The grin grew wider at her enthusiasm over his own plan to pull a senior prank, but he shook his head when she asked for more details about it. "Dude, it's not even in the planning stage yet. I just decided I'd do one ten minutes ago, when I was talking with Geoff." Upon belated consideration, Saul thought maybe it hadn't been the wisest thing he'd ever done to tell the future Head Boy about that particular plan, but a senior prank had seemed like such a brilliant idea at the time that he'd had to share, and Geoff happened to be the person he was talking to then.

"It probably shouldn't be anything bad," Saul added, shrugging a shoulder and cringing slightly in mild embarrassment. "I may have mentioned I was going to pull one to next year's Head Boy."

Yeah, definitely shouldn't have done that.
1 Saul Pierce It's just not right 82 Saul Pierce 0 5