Irene Liddowe

March 18, 2007 2:49 AM
Irene closed her book with a sigh. She couldn't read right now. There was too much going on. She felt like her head was spinning with everything that had happened recently.

Irene wanted so bad to go home. Renaye had written to her, complaining about the crazy amounts of snow they were recieving and begging her to come back for Quidditch games by the pond. Irene loved getting her cousins' letters, but thinking of the fun they were having at home made it seem so much farther away...

A voice cleared their throught from behind her and Irene turned towards the sound. A man stood behind in black robes, looking very serious. She was reminded, for a fleeting instant, of the man from Men in Black. He was very tall and had dark dark hair, almost black. His hazel eyes had a hard, emotionless look to them that gave Irene a sense of foreboding. Men with briefcases usually ment trouble. What was going on?

"Yes?" She said hesitantly, brushing her brown hair from her face.

"Are you Miss Irene Liddowe?" He said, looking down at her. She nodded, not sure why this mattered to him.

"I-is something wrong?" She asked, feeling more and more paniced by the second.

"My name is Joe Thorne. I am here, representing the Wizarding Council, to speak with you about the situation with you and you living conditions," He said, not helping her panic. The Wizarding Council? This could not be happening right now!

Irene looked around the common room, feeling her face heat up. She could only imagine how this looked from an outsider's point of view... It probably looked like the Men in Black were taking her alien testing!

"My living conditions? Is Uncle Mike okay?" She said alarmed, jumping up from her spot on the couch. Joe nodded, keeping his business-like heir.

"I assure you you're family is fine. We will need to talk to you in the pressence of an adult however," He said looking around. Irene was growing frustrated. Did he really expect someone to poof out of nowhere and say "Here I am!"?

"What is this about? I think I have the right to know that!" She exclaimed, a little louder than she meant.

"The Council would lie to assess you permanent living quarters," he said vaguely, glancing at his watch. Irene's temper was growing. Oh gee, she hoped she wasn't taking up too much of his time! Please note the sarcasm.

"Are you telling me that you are here to decide whether I live with Uncle Mike or Dad?" She exclaimed. Joe gave her a dissapproving look.

"Miss, I will need to ask you calm down. We are here to find your view on the situation."

Irene bit her lip to hold back her remarks. She stayed silent, not trusting herself to open her mouth.

"We do need an adult present for this interview to take place," Joe said, setting his briefcase down on the table and taking her previous seat on the couch. Irene took a slow, steadying breath and blinked a few times. Her anger and frustration was causing a moistness in her eyes.

OOC: Professor Connel, this is the Coucil trying to figure out who will take gaurdianship over Irene; her (alcoholic and neglectant) father or her Uncle Mike (like a Dad, but not a legal gaurdian) who she has been living with since she was seven, two years after her mother died.

There is a thread in Cascade between Headmaster Bulla and Professor K that explains the situation better. Here's the link:;article=2038;title=Cascade%20Hall \n\n
0 Irene Liddowe The Men in Black came to get me? [tag: Professor Connel] 106 Irene Liddowe 1 5

Headmaster Bulla

March 20, 2007 12:22 PM

I'm not sure we quite are on the same page here, and for that I can only assume that I've been lax in explanation. I apologise. It isn't possible for just anyone to get into a House's common room, and even besides that, there is a certain etiquette to this kind of situation.

A government official would have gone to the Head of House's office first. He would have probably explained what he was there for, to see whether you, Irene, would be better off under the care of your father, your uncle, or as a ward of the state. Then you would have been called in for the interview.

Might I suggest that for the purposes of this thread we assume that they are already in the Professor Connell's office, that the basic explanations are done and that Irene has - as presented here - got her first impressions of the man here to talk to her.

And please try to remember that they aren't monsters. The officials in the Child Welfare departments of any government - those who do the active everyday work - must have some compassion for those they are dealing with.

Thank you,
Manfred Bulla
39 Headmaster Bulla OOC 2 Headmaster Bulla 0 5


March 21, 2007 6:33 AM
Oh okay! I forgot about the password to the common room. I didn't even think about that! Thanks. So, should I re-post as the Council in the office and then switch over to Irene?

I understand they aren't monseters. I was probably too harsh with that... I was trying to show business-like and professional but I think about it now and, yes, I did go way overboard. I couldn't handle a job like that because I would probably burst into tears every time I went ot work, so I keep imagining you have to turn off emotions so to not start crying on the job.\n\n
0 Irene OOC: Oh, okay my bad. 0 Irene 0 5

Professor Connell

March 21, 2007 5:06 PM
I can just mention we were in my office, or that I led you two back there, in my post (which really is going to be up soon, I promise).\n\n
0 Professor Connell Don't bother with reposting 0 Professor Connell 0 5


March 22, 2007 6:21 AM
0 Irene Okay, that works out. (nm) 0 Irene 0 5

Professor Connell

March 22, 2007 11:18 AM
OOC: I took a bit of liberty with the ministry official, just to try and make it fit in with my own character, and the situation. I'm sorry if anything I have him do upsets you, but it should all be fairly realistic and understandable. Also, I'm just going with the scenario where Thorne took her back to the office after he said he needed an adult present. BIC

No matter how long she would remain a teacher at Sonora, Marian Connell hoped there would be some situations that would never be repeated. This was undoubtedly one of them, if just because of its strangeness, and the horrible problems it meant for the student in question. Marian wasn't a complete innocent as far as home-life went; while her own had been lovely as a child, for the most part, she'd had friends as a student, and now students of her own, whom she knew had multiple problems. Like Caedence a voice broke in mentally, causing Marian to sigh. That girl....Marian really had no idea how to make that particular problem sort itself out, even if she seemed to be getting better.

Anyway, despite the advanced warning she'd gotten about the ministry official's impending visit, the knock on her door had still come as a surprise. Somehow, the fact that she was going to be holding a governmental meeting of sorts in her office just hadn't sunk in. Still, Joe Thorne seemed nice enough as he'd introduced himself, and then gone off to find Irene. Marian would have prefered to do it herself, but he had insisted, so she contented herself with pointing out the girl sitting in the common room to the service worker, and wait for the two to return.

When they did, Marian regretted allowing Thorne to do be the first to tell the girl of these proceedings a little, because Irene looked so upset by it all. "Don't worry, Irene," Marian said as comfortingly as she could, standing up from behind her desk and gesturing for the first year to take a seat in one of the chairs on the other side. She shot a mild reproving look at Thorne when Irene wasn't looking, under the impression he must have been harsher than he should have been. "This is just a discussion about the situation. Nothing's going to be decided today, but, when it has been, rest assured that it's going to be the best option for you possible."

She paused, then lowered her voice. "Basically, I'm just here to act in a guardian's place but, if you need anything, some water, or just a break from the discussion, just ask. This is being done to help you, and we both want you to feel as comfortable as possible." Patting Irene on the shoulder, she glanced back up at the other adult. "You can begin whenever you want."
0 Professor Connell Does that make you an alien? Don't tell Zack... 0 Professor Connell 0 5


March 24, 2007 12:00 PM
OOC: No problem about the character usage! It fits much better anyway, so it's all for the greater good =]

Irene tried not to look uspet. She really did. She hadn't allowed herself to become worked up over the stupid things that happen to her in years. She sat down in Professor Connell's office and even tried to give her a grateful look when she was so nice to her, but she probably had it look like she had just smelled something foul.

"This is being done to help you, and we both want you to feel as comfortable as possible. You can begin whenever you want."

Irene nodded. She took a steadying breath and said, "Okay, go ahead."

Mr. Thorne nodded and glanced at a sheet of paper. "If you can, I need you to tell me about the average conditions from both homes," he said, pulling out a piece of paper and a pen.

Irene looked down at her hands. She hated this question. Renaye asked her once a few years ago and Irene had nearly broken down. Nearly.

"Yeah, um... It use to be normal. My dad got mad when he found out about Mom's magic that she passed to me, but that was pretty much it. My mom died when I was five. She taught in a school next to an old resaturant and it caught fire. It...It spread to the school. She and twleve others died. Six students, six restaurant employees and my mom," She said rather quickly. It was a lot easier to keep talking than to stop. If she stopped she had to think about what she said.

"A-after that my dad started drinking... a lot. He spent everything on his drinks. It was really scary because he would pass out. I felt like I was home alone all the time," She went on. "We didn't have much food because we no more money. It was like that for two years..." She blinked furiously and kept her gaze away from others. She hated getting upset like this. Mr. Thorne spoke up,

"What happened after--"

"I'm getting to it!" She exclaimed, feeling like she just wanted to keep talking without interuptions. It was probably a bad idea to shout, but her sense wasn't with her at the moment.

"One day Uncle Mike came over to get some of Mom's old things. He saw what was going on and took me to his house. I have never, ever, seen him that mad," She looked up, but not at anyone.

"He took me to the northern part of Michigan. I can honestly say it's perfet there. He's a little strict sometimes, but he's my best friend," She finshed quietly, staring at a spot on the wall.

It was odd to be so quiet at the moment. She felt like, maybe, she should be shouting at him for even considering placing her back in her father's care. What was wrong with where she was now?

Joe Thorne looks up from his notepad and said kindly,

"How old are you?"

"I'll be twelve on May 12th."

"Miss Liddowe, where do you think you should be placed?" He said, looking back to his notes. What that a joke? Honestly, was he even thinking at the moment? She voiced her view saying,

"Do you seriously need to ask me that?" She raised her eyebrows at him. Mr. Thorne nodded briefly saying,

"Some of the other children would rather be with their birth parents."

Irene bit back the harsh laugh that she almost let escape her.

"No, I'm going to stay with Uncle Mike." She said firmly. There was no way she was leaving now after almost five years.

"Who are the occupants of the Michigan home?" He asked her.

"It use to be just Uncle Mike and me, but my three cousins, Renaye, Josh, and Elaina, are staying with us too. We have the space so it's not a big deal."

Joe stood, placing his notes and papers in the black briefcase. He headed toward the door.

"Thank you for cooperating. You will soon find out what the council has decided."

With a frustrated sigh, Irene burst out, "I don't see why this is so hard to decide!"

Mr. Thorne turned around to face her. "In my own opinion, I wouldn't worry about it."

Irene smiled at him. "Thank you," she said gratefully. The door closed and she turned to Profesor Connell.

She said apologetically, "Thanks for everything. I had no idea this was happening..." \n\n
0 Irene Well, it was <i>suppose</i> to be a secret...*wink* 0 Irene 0 5