
February 04, 2005 12:53 PM

I'm back!! Everything is going to be ok now by Stephen

Stephen burst into the commonroom, laden with luggage, and seemingly as tireless as ever. It had been a wonderful christmas, not least of all becuase of his awesome new motorcycle. It was loud, it was fast amd it was painted bright red. Really, it was all Stephen had ever dreamed of... at least before discovering that he was a wizard and coming off to Sonora. And even then it was the most brilliant christmas present ever. Alan had even let him have a go at it on the jump course that he and the older kids had built, although that had been on the proviso that Stephen never tell his parents.

It had been hard - all he had wanted to do for the rest of the day, and the day after that, was to tell everyone about how awesome it had been - but somehow he had managed. Alan had helped. Twice, when Stephen had almost slipped, his brother had picked up the closest food to hand (the first time it had been an apple, the second time a chicken drumstick) and shoved it into Stephen's open mouth. It had been quite effective.

But now, Stephen thought as he moved through the commonroom, he was back. He climbed the stairs, and frowning as he realised that his presence had not been properly acknowledged by his housemates, dropped his luggage between the two corridors. His stuff could wait. This could not.

Jumping a bag, he ran full tilt toward the girls corridor, faster, faster, faster, reaching the arch and throwing himself though.

"Oomph." He thudded to the floor in the middle of the commons.

"Miss me?" Stephen asked, getting up and brushing himself off while grinning like a cheshire cat on happy drugs.\n\n
39 Stephen I'm back!! Everything is going to be ok now 0 Stephen 1 5

Tori Evans

February 05, 2005 8:21 PM

Hahaha by Tori Evans

Tori saw Stephen land with a thud in the middle of the commonroom. "Wow what an entrance!" Tori said as she came down the stairs. "How was your Christmas?"

Tori spent the holidays at Sonora. It was great fun hanging out with her new friends. Life as a witch was so much more fun than life as a muggle.
0 Tori Evans Hahaha 0 Tori Evans 0 5


February 06, 2005 1:10 AM

The resident comic relief's work is never done by Stephen

OOC: Hey dude, want to make your post a little longer next time? e.g. if you were coming down the stair, you might have noticed Stephen barreling towards the girls corridor before he ended up in the middle of the commons, or you may have had to climb over his luggage to get to the stairs. It's just more fun for everyone if there's more detail, more to go off. Thanks! BIC:

"Thanks," Stephen said, the grin if anything becoming more animated. If there were any Cheshire cats in the vicinity, no doubt they would have slunk away at this point before admitting that they were beaten. "And Christmas, Christmas was fantastic! I got to see my brother Alan and you'll never guess what he gave me for Christmas - a Motorbike! It's not as big as his one, but it's still heaps cool. And it's painted this awesome shade of red. And I got to hang out with all my old frends - I kinda miss them sometimes, being here all the time - and I got to eat my Mum's cooking and tell Dad all about Fido and the Corridors." In his mind the corridors had earned their capital.

"So," he said looking around and trying to spot if there were any differences around the area from when he's been there last. "How was your Christmas?"\n\n
39 Stephen The resident comic relief's work is never done 0 Stephen 0 5

Tori Evans

February 18, 2005 10:03 PM

xmas was fun by Tori Evans

OOC: Sorry the post is soooooo late. I've been really busy

BIC: "Wow a moterbike!" Tori said in amazement. "That sounds awsome." continued Tori as she put het dirty blond hair in a ponytail. "I've rode one before when I lived here in Arizona. Then my mom got remarried and we moved to New Jersey but hey now I'm back in Arizona." Tori giggled slightly.

"My Christmas was great fun. I stayed here with Mia. We spent a lot of time in the library learning hexes and stuff." Tori loved learning new jinxes to use on people. She just had a very mischievous personality. There was nothing that made her happier than a well planned prank.

"We also explored Sonora, talked to the ghosts and played around on the quidditch pitch. It was fun here but I'm still going to miss sleeping late. Now we gotta go to class again and that's a real pain"

There was a moment of silence as Tori thought to herself then added "But hey ANYTHING we learn here beats math."\n\n
0 Tori Evans xmas was fun 0 Tori Evans 0 5


February 28, 2005 11:26 AM

This and that by Stephen

OOC: *grins sheepishly* would you believe me too? BIC:

Stephen couldn’t argue with that. Maths had been terribly boring back at his old school. The teacher had been really big on it too – almost every day out would come the ruler and she would beat time on the desk while the whole class was supposed to recite their time tables to the rhythm. On one hand he could probably recite them in his sleep, on the other he couldn’t imagine anything that was more boring.

Although there had been that one day where he had taken out his ruler and beat out an opposing rhythm under his desk. The class had been in an uproar with people trying to work out the rhythm, and the teacher, Miss Willis, had made him stay in during recess for a week. It had been worth it though.

“Have you found the hall of plants yet?” he asked, curious. It’d be interesting to find out if anyone else had met the plant dude that lived there. Stephen was already planning on visiting there again – there were things that he really wanted to find out about. Things which the plant guy had mentioned.

“Oh, and have you seen the twins about? They said they were staying over the holidays too, so I figure they’re ‘round here somewhere..”
39 Stephen This and that 0 Stephen 0 5

Tori Evans

February 28, 2005 4:16 PM

plants? by Tori Evans

"I saw the twins before but then they went off somewhere. I'm sure they'll be back soon though." Tori said as she brushed a strand of dirty blond hair out of her face.

"OH and hey whats the hall of plants?" Tori had spent all of break roaming the school and she'd yet to find a hall full of plants. There had been some hidden rooms that'd she'd wandered into but none had any sort of plants in them. Tori probaly wasnt even allowed in most of the places she wandered to but Tori had never cared for rules.

"I've been to the labyrinth gardens and they have a lot of weird plants there, but I've never seen a hall full of plants. What's it like there?" Tori loved hearing about magical places and the like. Everything was so new and cool and completely different from the muggle world.

"Could you maybe show me where it is? That'd be really fun."
Tori needed someplace new to go. Sure the library and gardens were fun but Tori got bored very easily and needed diversity.\n\n
0 Tori Evans plants? 0 Tori Evans 0 5


March 11, 2005 9:30 AM

you know - green things with leaves by Stephen

Stephen thought for a moment. It had been a little while since his trip to the Hall of Plants.

"Green," he summed up. "Its all green and overgrown. There's all these plants and they've everywhere." He nodded emphatically at her request. "Sure thing. Only, not now, ok?" He wrinkled his nose and nodded his head at his luggage waiting for him at the top of the stairs. "I probably should get all that stuff up to my dorm."

Still facing Tori, he backed up towards the stairs. "I'll catch you later, alright?"

Grinning, he turned just in time and bounded up the stairs two at a time. Grabbing ahold of his luggage, he started to drag it over and into the boys corridor.\n\n
39 Stephen you know - green things with leaves 0 Stephen 0 5