Dalila Bastet

November 12, 2008 2:50 AM
It was a little weird for Dalila to be pinning this up. Usually, there was a ritual of Dalila coming back from the Opening Feast, seeing the bulletin and racing to be the first one to sign up. This year was different. Jake was gone and Dalila was the new Teppenpaw Captain. How was she going to handle this without Jake? Dalila stopped her train of thought. Not only did it make her sad to think of Jake, but freaking out was going to get her nowhere.

The common room was empty when she arrived, everyone else being at the Feast. She'd get there in a few minutes, but she didn't want to waste time. If she was going to be Captain, then she was going to do it right. She tacked up the big sign onto the board and with a satisfied sigh, walked away. The sign read:

Quidditch Sign-Ups/Tryouts

For anyone second year and up whose interested playing Quidditch for Teppenpaw please sign up. Tryouts will be this Friday and walk-in are always welcome.

If you don't know what Quidditch is, or how to play, just write that next to your name, year and desired position on the sheet and we'll figure something out.

See you on the Pitch!

Captain Dalila Bastet, 7th year, Chaser

0 Dalila Bastet QUIDDITCH SIGN-UPS!!! 60 Dalila Bastet 1 5


November 12, 2008 9:51 PM
Josiah was glad to see the paper put up in the commons once more. He was going to miss Jake. The guy was nice, and he had given Josiah a chance. Josiah hoped that he wasn’t too awful a player. Hopefully Dalila would let him back on.

The redhead was happy to see that he was going to be the first to sign his name on the list. He had so many options to choose from. Beater, Chaser, Seeker, but he felt that it would be best to keep where he was trained. And that position would be, in fact, Keeper.

He riffled through his bag until he found his favorite maroon self-inking quill. He sucked on the end of it to make sure it would work. Wincing at the bitter taste in his mouth, he spat out a bit of red ink. He looked around for a shiny object. Finding none, he rushed to the boys bathroom to look in the mirror.

To his disgust and horror he found his two front teeth stained. Running to his suitcase he found his toothbrush and scrubbed all the red off of his teeth. He cursed his vanity the whole time Josiah made his way back to the list.

Happily he wasn’t beaten to it yet. Or was that a bad thing? He hoped there were more quidditch people around this year.

Finally, he wrote his name on the list.

Josiah James Ashwood---- Year 4 ------ Keeper/Chaser. Whatever you want me to be

Satisfied, he went back to the bathroom. Josiah had to make sure his teeth still weren’t red.
0 Josiah Hex Yes 0 Josiah 0 5

Hannah Laurent

November 16, 2008 9:03 PM
Summer had been a mostly uneventful affair aside from two events. Her cousin, Nicoletta, had opted to completely move back to her home, which made Hannah more than happy. She liked her cousin well enough, but while she would never admit it, she was jealous of the older girl. Izzy was her mother and Addie was her sister, not Nicoletta’s. She hated that her cousin took their attention away. The other bonus was having a room to herself once more. For the first two weeks of being home when Nicoletta had yet to decide if her move was a permanent thing, Hannah had to share a room with Addie. She wasn’t sure how she didn’t realize it before, but her little sister was a perfectionist. Hannah had no idea how Addie’s roommates put up with it.

The other occasion to mark the summer came in the form of her first date, awkward as it was. Sam, her oldest and dearest friend, had completely taken her off guard when he had asked her out to get pizza and then see a movie. While she never thought about him like that, she had agreed. It was exciting to actually have someone ask her out on a date. Her mom was even more excited and had insisted on getting her a new outfit and doing her hair. Looking in the mirror, she had thought she looked rather pretty with her hair in curls and the blue sundress that brought out her eyes. What was more thrilling was Sam’s reaction when he had stumbled on his words telling her that she looked great, but then came the embarrassing part of having pictures taken, which he was a good sport about. Then, it was time for his dad to drive them to the mall.

Eating pizza together had been just like any other time they had eaten together. They talked about the normal things, which mostly revolved around sports. Then, they had gone to see the movie. She thought it was pretty funny, but there had been several odd moments of him trying to put his arm around her or hold her hand, which she had politely ignored. All of this led up to the point where they dropped her off at her house and he walked her to the door. Sam leaned in to kiss her and she had turned her head, so he kissed her cheek instead. She liked Sam a lot, but she didn’t like him enough to share her first kiss with him. From that point on, summer between them had been weird and she was glad when it was time to go back to school.

Besides, the other part about going back to school meant Quidditch. It was when she got to be on a real team rather than just messing around with some of the other kids in the community at the local wizarding center. Their community was built for the magical and for the muggles that loved them. From the outside, it appeared to be like all other muggle neighborhoods, but they had a specialized center, which was protected against outsiders. It was a place where the local children, fortunate enough to have magic, could play Quidditch and other wizarding games with each other without fear. As much fun as it was, Hannah preferred what being on a team offered, the chance to really hone her skills. She would never make it on to a professional team without continued perfecting.

When she saw the sign-up sheet already up when she walked into the Common room after the Feast it was like music to her ears. It was a little strange that Jake wasn’t the one that had put it up, but it was nice to see how on the ball Captain Dalila was. The team would only be as strong as their Captain. Hannah had full confidence that Dalila would do a wonderful job in the spot. Digging around in her bag, she found a pen to add her name to the list.

Hannah Laurent, 4th year, Seeker
0 Hannah Laurent Adding my name to the list 98 Hannah Laurent 0 5

Amber Carey

November 30, 2008 8:33 PM
From her chair, Amber eyed the Quidditch sign-up sheet a little warily.

On one hand, she did actually know a little about the game. Gwen had, in a prolonged sulk over having to leave her team for political reasons, taught her how to play, and though a definite amount of censure had been implied, her father had never expressly forbidden it. He might not like her signing up, but he wouldn't care enough to oppose it, and Teppenpaw was in serious need of people willing to play.

On the other hand, there was kind of a difference between a session in the garden and an honest-to-goodness game. She'd not even attended the latter since Gwen stopped playing for Crotalus, over a year earlier.

But then, back on the first hand, she'd always wanted some role at the school that didn't involve her cousins. It was not much fun, being the Carey girl who wasn't as beautiful as Gwen, as smart as Morgaine, or as notorious as the two. She didn't want to share that part of their legend, of course - she didn't want people to think she was crazy, a budding criminal, or both - but the idea of not being an utter nonentity had its appeal.

But then, back on the other hand, it was her CATS year...

Oh, the heck with it, she thought finally, standing up. Her CATS were a half-lost cause already, nobody in the family really cared what she did since her mother kept her from being married off to suit them, and the team was next to empty. The worst that could happen was all of the usual players coming back and making her an alternate.

Since she had been taught by a Beater, she decided to sign up for that. If Gwen was very nice to her, she might even let the older girl go out to the Pitch, practice with her, and blame flying when she'd been told not to on her.

Amber Carey, 5th year, Beater
0 Amber Carey Joining up. 84 Amber Carey 0 5

Lucie Dupree

November 30, 2008 11:46 PM
Lucie stood staring at the Quidditch sign-ups sheet. Last year, she had ended up having a blast playing as Chaser for the Teppenpaw team, even though they had lost. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to join this year or not. She had ended up with a lot of free time last year. But she was a third year now, which meant harder classes and more coursework. There were also electives to be considered. On top of that, she had decided to go out for the school newspaper. Should she or should she not sign up to be a Chaser again?

The list was looking a bit on the sickly side. Only four people had signed up. Three of the names were from last year and one was new, but she knew the girl to be a couple years ahead of her. Besides, the last name carried some weight. Missing from the list, however, was her idol, Lexi Stafford, and she had to say that she was a bit disappointed. She had been looking forward to being able to talk to her some at practices if she signed up. Though, she supposed that she could talk to her anyhow since she was a prefect, but she wasn’t sure how much free time she would have to do so, especially considering that she made the decision to rejoin Quidditch.

With this, she pulled out one of her new feather pens, the sparkly pens a thing of the past and added her name to the list:

Lucie Dupree, Third Year, Chaser
0 Lucie Dupree Signing up once more 114 Lucie Dupree 0 5