Librarian Nicchi

May 29, 2016 3:43 PM

Library Helper Schedule by Librarian Nicchi

Amelle looked over the signup sheet as she figured out what her best option was. This was the lowest amount of people signed up to help that she has seen in a long time. She wasn’t sure if that was because the last few years, she had several students from the same class that finally graduated or if it meant that people were losing interest in helping out in the library. She really hoped that it was the former and that in the next couple of years, more people will join in again. Amelle counted on the help in the evening so that she could take a break in the evening and have some time on the weekends.

After some drafts, she finally completed the schedule for everyone. Hopefully, there wouldn’t be too many conflicts for anyone, but she was pretty lenient either way.

Below is the schedule for the Library Helpers. Please note that you are to appear in the library during your scheduled times. Monitors are to help check books in and out of the library, organize the books in the stacks, answer any questions that fellow students may have, and complete occasional errands that may be needed. Assistants will return the books to their rightful place in the stacks and assist the Library Monitor with whatever duties that needs to be filled.

Weekday hours are from 7:00pm to 9:45pm (to allow you time to return to your Houses before curfew). Friday evenings are the choice of the Assistants as that is our least active night.

Weekend hours are separated by two separate hour shifts. First shift is from 1:00pm to 4:45pm and the second shift is from 5:00pm to 9:45pm. You will need to work at least three hours of the five hours on your weekend shift. There will be a sign up each week for the weekend hours. This will help for those who have other commitments during the weekend that will have to be flexible with their time. Head Monitors, please ensure each of your assistants have signed up for a time slot for the weekend by Wednesday evening.

If, for whatever reason, you have a one time commitment for your evening, you must find a replacement to cover your shift.

Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. If you are concerned about your hours or it causes a conflict for you, please let me or the Head Monitor know immediately so that the schedule can be adjusted.

Head Monitors - Chaslyn Brockert, Clark Dill
Monitors - John Umland, John Spencer, and Gia Donovan
Assistants - Emilia-Louise Scott, Theresa Whittaker, Killian Everett, Farrah Welsh

Head - Clark
Monitors - Jack
Assistants - Emmy, Farrah

Head - Chaslyn
Monitors - Gia
Assistants - Theresa, Killian

Head - Clark
Monitors - John
Assistants - Emmy, Theresa

Head - Chaslyn
Monitor - Jack
Assistant - Farrah, Killian

Head - Clark
Monitor - Gia
Assistant - Open - Assistants can volunteer for this evening

Saturdays Shift One:
Head Monitor - Chaslyn
Monitors - John
Assistants - Emmy Killian

Saturdays Shift Two:
Head Monitor - Clark
Monitors - Gia
Assistants - Farrah, Theresa

Sundays Shift One:
Head Monitor - Clark
Monitors - Jack
Assistants - Emmy, Theresa

Sundays Shift Two:
Head Monitor - Chaslyn
Monitors - John
Assistants - Farrah, Killian
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