Jax Donovan

June 02, 2015 6:51 PM

Skipping the Feast to Read. by Jax Donovan

Jax’s summer had not gone all that well, despite what his sister or mother thought. Both his mother and Gia had the idea that as long as they were nice to others and always did the right thing that people would like them and respect them as people. This had yet to be proven true. Of the many small towns and different countries they had travelled too, Jax had yet to find anyone who were decent human beings to them, especially after they found out what he was. His mother and sister were good people and they deserved a better life, but because of him, they had to suffer.

Over the summer, Jax and Gia had the unfortunate luck of meeting some of the other teens around their neighborhood. Gia, being the all good and happy, immediately attempted to make friends with them. To her face, they smiled and chatted happily with her, but the moment she turned her back, Jax saw them whisper and point. They were the poor kids with the single mother. They were the jokes. While his sister bent over backwards to make these people happy, they were making fun of her. Jax wouldn’t have it, so he made sure they felt his anger.

To be honest, he was grateful that his monster side was only able to come out once a month because if he could have changed then and there, those people would have suffered greatly. Instead, they had some bruising or split lips. It probably wasn’t the best idea to start a fight with more than one of them as Jax sustained more damage when they all started in on it, but after that, they avoided the Donovans and Jax became the ‘Trouble’. He didn’t mind even if it meant Gia was mad at him for a few days. It was for her own good.

But summer was over and they had to leave their mother once again. Whenever they were away at school, their mother was able to save more money, so this time around, Jax didn’t mind going to Sonora and Gia seemed excited to meet back up with her roommates. Still, it was hard for their mother to be alone and so, their goodbyes were filled with tears from her.

Jax ate snacks and things both on the Wagon and when he got to Sonora, so he had no plans to attend the feast, especially after he got the password from a Prefect. He wished his sister luck and wandered off to the Aladren commons, or more importantly, his dorm room. There, he found Barnaby’s curtains already drawn, indicating he was there but not to be bothered. This was fine with Jax.

He spent the majority of the afternoon unpacking and when it seemed like it was close to when the feast would start, he slipped off into the back of the library, hidden between stacks, so that no one would notice he was there. With the quiet of the walls of books surrounding him, Jax found himself a seat and began to read the third chapter of their Defense Against the Dark Arts book. He was only aware that he wasn’t alone when he heard a noise in the stalk next to him. He automatically tensed up, feeling as though he had been caught doing something sneaky even though he could just tell them he lost track of time when he was reading. “Is someone there?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
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