
August 01, 2010 12:26 AM

Hiding from everyone. by Mariana

The fair. Large crowds of people. Exactly what she didn't need.

Mariana sighed. She supposed it couldn't be helped though. A few weeks ago she hadn't been feeling well, and it was all well and good considering classes weren't going on due to summer. But she missed people, Neal especially, and she felt like she hasn't been fair to him lately. She didn't, after all, tell her her reason of absence. It wasn't a cold, either. It was the sort of, 'I'd rather die than leave bed' sort of thing. She still wasn't feeling well, but she dragged herself down to the library in order to, either help out, or read something herself.

And of course, in the midst of her sickness she finds that there is a fair going on, with lots of people. That would either mean, A, she wasn't going to get a lot of peace and quiet, or B, she would because everyone else was somewhere else.

Looks like everyone decided to be in the Library, for once. Her usually quiet haven was filled with people because they were listening to someone speak about their jobs. As much as she was interested in hearing their stories, she had a head ache, and she really didn't much feel like listening to the eager chattering of students and adults alike.

So, Mariana dragged herself to the farthest, and quietest corner of the Library as she could, a large book in hand. She could go to the commons, but she didn't want to go in there, either. Regardless of the fact that the Aladren common room was located within the Library, it wasn't quite the Library.

She sat herself down and began reading the book, the space here was void of life- just like she liked. She might have some peace, then.

Until someone cleared their throat. She looked up, eyes wide. "Oh, sorry! Were you going to sit here?"
0 Mariana Hiding from everyone. 0 Mariana 1 5