Elly Eriksson

August 04, 2008 7:14 AM

All's Fair by Elly Eriksson

After a rather unusual midterm, Elly returned to school, and was excited within a few hours of her arrival. She hoped that some students had read the notices she'd coerced and cajoled her friends into displaying, and that a few of them might want to join her stall efforts.

Being a Muggleborn from London, starting Sonora had been a severe culture shock on many levels (hence her particular invitation to first year students who might be experiencing something similar). The fair was an opportunity to show a bit of her own heritage to the other students in the school, and she hoped to find out a bit more about wizarding Britain, too.

Elly already had ideas about how the stall could be run, with traditional dress and music, or assorted national games visitors to the booth could play, and maybe food and drink to sample. All she needed now were volunteers to be a part of it. Elly guessed that her friends would be happy to help, but first she wanted to ask the other British students in the school if they wanted to share in promoting their nation. She'd welcome kids from Ireland, too.

So on the first full day back after midterm, Elly waited in the library for people to arrive for her informal meeting. As on usual occasions, she was easily identified by her bright and untidy mane of orange curls, and being almost the tallest person in the room. She was also beaming like a Cheshire cat, but her signature high volume had been toned down to comply with the wishing of the school librarian.

Whenever someone approached, Elly would greet them with a smile. "Hi, want to help me run a stall? Games, food and music, with a bit of history, from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Just sign up on the sheet with your name, year, where you're from, and what you'd like to do with the stall. If you're not sure, you can leave that bit blank. Any questions?"

Elly had already filled in the first row on her sign up sheet with her own details:

Elly Eriksson, fourth year, England (London) - stall organiser
0 Elly Eriksson All's Fair 92 Elly Eriksson 1 5