Zack Dill

July 15, 2008 3:44 PM

Fair Booth Recruitment by Zack Dill

Despite his decision to give Alderaan first shot at joining him in his booth, Zack began to get antsy when nobody signed up within seconds of him posting the notice. He wasn't quite ready to go to Echo yet - Zack wasn't even sure if the fourth year Pecari was even at the school over midterm - but he did have one other avenue of recruitment open to him. The library had a small notice board and his own table where he hosted the Prefect Station was practically a landmark by now (or so he believed). He saw no reason not to use those resources.

So he left a small but informative ad on the library board that said:

Wanted: Students to help man a non-magical gaming booth at the Cultural Fair. More information available at the Prefect Station. Contact Zack Dill.

At his table, the advertisement was rather larger and more noticeable. Beside the large placard that announced the Prefect Station and Zack's name was another one of about the same size and obviously designed and crafted by the same hand. It was the board Zack planned on using at the booth itself and it read:

Non-Magical Gaming Booth

D&D and other Role Playing Games (RPGs)
Video Games (Console and PC)
Card Games
Board Games

A long thin piece of paper was spello-taped to it, carefully positioned so that it didn't cover any of the words, which read in less deliberate handwriting: Help Wanted.

While he waited for someone to show any interest in joining him, Zack began writing up an informational page about the details of what the booth was going to be about.
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