Mollie Buchanan

June 03, 2008 10:58 AM

lets see here... by Mollie Buchanan

Mollie had woken up to a rainy Saturday morning and was thrilled. It meant that she could head down to the library and exchange her books for some new ones and not feel guilty about wasting a gorgeous autumn day inside. She liked to balance her inside and outside time, taking walks in the afternoon after classes to just chill wherever her feet took her, but she was also quite content to sit on her bed and read a good book. She'd really never been this much of a bookworm in her entire life, but she had so many questions about the magical world that she would probably talk the ear right off one of her professors. The fact that the library was huge didn't really help, because there were books on everything, she was pretty sure.

But today, the weather had made up her mind for her, which made things so much easier. After running a quick brush through her hair and pulling it back into a ponytail so that only her long bangs were in her face, she dressed in her favorite pair of comfy jeans and an oversized sweatshirt from her last foster brother to head down to the hall for a quick bite to eat, a pile of books under one arm.

Breakfast passed with little excitement as it was only 8:30 and who in their right mind was up that early? She was, she always was. There had been a few professors and even fewer students in the hall, so she ate quickly in silence, and headed off to the library when finished.

Stacking the returned books on the counter, Mollie wandered up and down the shelves of the immense library, wondering at just how many books were in the large room. Trailing her fingers along the spines in the history section, she looked for an easy read on magical schools in general. She had already read the one about Sonora, but had heard of others, and was naturally curious about them. Stopping at one about a place called Hogwarts, she reached up to pull it off of the shelve. Unfortunately she could just hardly reach it. As she managed to wiggle it out of its spot she backed up in success, knocking into a cart full of books, causing herself and the cart to tumble in a large pile.

Hoping she hadn't caused too much noise or any alarm, Mollie laughed silently to herself. Go figure! She thought, wondering if anybody else had the wonderful knack of ruining things like that. Still laughing to herself, she got up, rubbed her now sore bum and began to pick up the books. She had made a right mess, and they had probably been in some kind of order too. She tried to gather books in piles of similar material and put them back on the cart in alphabetical order. She reached down for the last book, only to find a hand attatched to it.

"Yikes! I'm so sorry!" She whispered. "I hope I didn't diturb you!" She really was sorry if she had, she just found the whole thing rather amusing because it was so typical of her.
0 Mollie Buchanan lets see here... 0 Mollie Buchanan 1 5

Andrew Tudor

June 05, 2008 7:42 PM

I obviously wasn't seen here = P by Andrew Tudor

Wandering through the many aisles of books, Andrew noticed a girl picking up some scattered books. He smiled, thinking that would be something he'd do, he decided to help. Bending over to pick one up, the girl tried to grasp it too only to her surprise. The girl had a long fringe that fell in front of her face, yet the rest of her hair was back in a pony tail. Andrew smiled at her apologetic remarks. On the contrary, she had not disturbed him, far from it. He hadn't been doing much in particular. The whole reason he was in the library was to explore as he had never been in here before. This was a slight shock, as Andrew loved books, but he was just taking a while to adjust to the place.

Andrew picked up the book and placed it back onto the trolley type thing and smiled at her. "N-No, you didn't disturb me. I-I was j-just browsing for n-nothing in particular," he pushed his brown hair from his eyes so he could see. "I-I just th-thought I would help y-you, b-but I am sorry I startled you!" His profoundly English accent even showed through his whisper and, grinning, he rolled the sleeves of his top up. “I-I just didn’t w-want you to have to tidy up on y-your own...”

Andrew was amazed but his lack of shyness. Normally by now he would have stammered his short reply and shuffled off blushing, but his time at Sonora had helped him grow in confidence. Yes, he was still timid and still stuttered, but he didn’t mind starting a conversation with someone new. He’d met a few people that had showed him that if you don’t talk to someone making friends can become very difficult. He blushed slightly, wandering if he seemed overly confident or something and started fiddling with his hands.

"S-so... I'm An-Andrew, it's n-nice to meet you, if not a l-little unorthodox!"
0 Andrew Tudor I obviously wasn't seen here = P 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5

Mollie Buchanan

June 06, 2008 7:40 PM

Not for long! by Mollie Buchanan

Smiling in relief that is seemed she hadn't disturbed anybody, Mollie stood back up after putting the last of the books on the cart. "No, no bother!" She grinned. "I fell, which is very typical of me, and I knocked the whole cart over." She laughed lowly, still whispering, but rather excitedly because she was meeting somebody new. "That's why I was picking everything up." She shrugged, make a mess, clean it up, that's what she had always be taught no matter where she lived.

With the book on Hogwarts clasped to her chest, she hoped nobody else in the library was out of sorts due to her noise-making. "Nice to meet you Andrew, I'm Mollie." She stuck out a friendly hand to shake, clutching the heavy book tighter to her chest in order to keep it from falling on her toes.

"Have you been in here before?" She was curious as to if she was the only one who made it a habit to check out the library early on Saturday mornings. "This is only my second trip and I'm still amazed." She admitted. "I can't believe how big it is. I seriously think they have books on everything relating to magic and probably a ton of other stuff too!" She started to walk down the aisle some more, wondering if there were any other interesting history books to read.

"I'm a muggleborn you see, and I'm trying to do some catch-up research because I have no idea what's going on sometimes!" Mollie wasn't ashamed of where she came from, but she did want to know more about he magical world because this was now her world, she had somewhere to belong and after eleven years of moving around, it was nice to have somewhere to belong.
0 Mollie Buchanan Not for long! 0 Mollie Buchanan 0 5

Andrew Tudor

June 09, 2008 4:56 PM

Well, I do like to be noticed. by Andrew Tudor

Andrew took her hand, pleased that he had met someone polite. It wasn't as though he had met anyone rude, but polite people are always easy to get on with. He looked at her curiously, sure he had seen her somewhere before. He suddenly realised he still had a hold of her hand and let it go. He smiled when she asked if he'd been in the Library before and shook his head in reply. He followed her as she moved slightly down the aisle listening to her intensely as she was whispering.

"Muggleborn?" he repeated. "I'm h-half and half," he said, "my dad was a wizard b-but I don't see him, so I'm p-pretty much muggleborn I-I suppose!" he glanced at the heavy looking book in her hand. 'Hogwarts?' he thought, baffled by the name. Andrew thought he should probably learn more about the wizarding world, as he knew nothing about this world. He didn't even know much about the Muggle world, not even Oxford where he lived. His mother had never been one for teaching them history and Andrew had never been able to get the grasp of it in Primary school.

He frowned, thinking back to the name of Mollie's book. He wasn't sure if he should ask what it was, afraid to look stupid, but he knew the look on his face would give it away so he smiled to try and get rid of his confused look. Looking up at Mollie he suddenly realised where he knew her from and was shocked he had never spoken to her before. "You're in Teppenpaw, aren't you?" he asked. Normally, you could tell by the robes which house someone is in, but as it was a weekend and there were no classes they weren't required to wear robes. "I-I'm in Teppenpaw! I-I can't believe I've never spoken to you or anything!"
0 Andrew Tudor Well, I do like to be noticed. 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5


June 11, 2008 2:37 PM

then have no fear! by Mollie

OOC- haha I love stealing unlocked wireless internet from the neighbors!

"I guess I should refrase that," Mollie began, forgetting that she didn't actually know if she was muggleborn or not. "I was raised by muggles, but I'm an orphan, so I guess I don't actually know if my parents were magical or muggle." Having never been shy about her life so far, Mollie usually tended to share her lifestory upon just meeting people. There really was no reason not to share. It wasn't like she was ashamed by it, or that it bothered her, it was just a fact of her life.

Shrugging, she caught his glance and question at the heavy text in her hands. "Oh yeah, it's another magical school, over in the UK somwhere, I think." She had only read a little tidbit of information on the other magical school in a breif history she had alreayd read. "I wanted to know what other magical schools were like besides this one." She wanted to know what the entire magical world was like, so she had been reading to find out. She was sure she would also find out about it through experience, like her enlightenting chat with Ian over breakfast.

"Yup, you got it." Mol grinned as Andrew made the connection to her house and announced he too, was a Teppenpaw. "Sweet deal." And it really was, now she had two friends in her house, Andrew and Krisalyn. "I guess I spend a lot of time reading up in my room, but my roomie Krisalyn and I hang out a lot." It was great that she had connected so well with her roommate, otherwise this whole ordeal might have been a little lonely. They shared a similar background and it gave them a commonplace that didn't share with anybody else.

"I suppose I should hang out down in the common room a little more." She laughed lightly, moreso at herself than anything else. It was a simple fact of habit, when she wanted to do something, she usually did it in her room. Now she had to remember that she had an entire school to use and had to start doing so!
0 Mollie then have no fear! 0 Mollie 0 5

Andrew Tudor

June 12, 2008 5:03 AM

Ah, I fear nothing! *trembles* by Andrew Tudor

OOC - Ooh, that's just naughty. But means you can talk to me = ]

Andrew was thinking about what Mollie had said about Hogwarts and the fact it was in the UK. He felt a slight prang of homesickness and wondered why his mother never enrolled him there and instead made him move from Oxford to here. He frowned briefly and decided not to worry himself with the inner workings of his mother's mind, after all, Sonora wasn't horrible or anything.

Andrew heard Mollie mention Krisalyn and his mouth dropped open. "W-wow, you know Krisalyn?" He was trying to hide his surprise, "she was th-the first person I ever s-spoke to here and t-thus my first friend," he smiled, "it's a s-small world!" He wondered if Mollie was anything like Krisalyn, she certainly seemed as bubbly. If it was the case he was sure he had made a good friend. He smiled to himself, now only knowing girls in his House. He knew he'd know more girls than boys at then end of the day; it was just like his social life back at home.

"T-there aren't many boys in Teppenpaw, is there?" He asked Mollie. He hadn't actually met any first year Teppenpaw’s yet. "I guess th-that kind of m-makes my evening's quite, uh, lonely, I-I suppose. It's strange..." he trailed off. He'd only met two other boys, Kyler who was in Pecari and Paul who was a good few years older than him. It took Andrew a while to make friends, or to even meet new people. It wasn't like he was unsocial; he was simply shy and couldn't bring himself to talk to people.

"I suppose I should hang out down in the common room a little more." Mollie’s laughter was so contagious it made Andrew chuckle too.
"Yeah, I s-suppose you should. I s-should probably just socialise m-more r-rather than sitting on my own a-all quite in the c-corner!"
0 Andrew Tudor Ah, I fear nothing! *trembles* 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5


June 13, 2008 8:19 PM

I'm not a big fan of spiders... by Mollie

OOC- haha, it's what I dooooo!

Laughing at his surprise at her knowing Krisalyn, Mollie just smiled when she was done. "I suppose we would all meet eventually, seeing as that we're all in the same house. Yeah, Kris and I are roommates." Though it was kind of funny that Krisalyn had been the first person Andrew had met, because it was kind of true for Mollie too. Well, besides Kaden, who hadn't said much at the opening meal, Mollie had gone up to her room and met Krisalyn. The three of them could be like the Three Muskateers.

"We should all hang out in the common room together, hey?" Mollie raised and excited eyebrow at the proposition. It would be fun to sit and gab with new friends and hopefully they would make even more friends by just leaving themselves open to new people. Mol wanted to make as many friends as possible because she knew she could keep these.

She hadn't really thought about it too much yet, but being in this school, for the next seven years was a great and scary thought all in its own. She had never been in one place that long. But here she could make new friends that she could actually keep. In her primary schools she had always been wary of making new friends because she never knew how long she was going to stay at the foster home she was at. It turned out lucky sometimes that when she found herself back at the orphanage that she would stay in the same school, but she was pretty sure she had been to every public school in the greater Boston area.

"We should make a regular night to hang out down in the common room and chat, like catch up on one another's days or weeks, or even work on homework together, and just have a grand old time." She was pretty sure it would be good for them, even if they were just socializing with themselves, it gave them a good solid base to come to every now and then. "Deal." She stuck out a hand, making a mental note to ask Krisalyn about it when she saw her later.
0 Mollie I'm not a big fan of spiders... 0 Mollie 0 5

Andrew .T

June 18, 2008 10:01 AM

Heh, you are not the only one! I don't like heights either. by Andrew .T

Andrew took Mollie's hand and shook it. Letting go, he was confused at the nature of people making 'plans', like meeting up, in America. Andrew's knowledge of hand shaking was usually a salutation, or even a level of affection men used to say goodbye because hugging or suchlike seems to be almost forbidden. Normally, back in Oxford, when Andrew made plans with friends, that was it. Purely verbal. I'll meet you at lunch time - yeah sure, done. He wasn't against the whole "deal" and shaking hands malarkey, it was just unknown to him.

Andrew liked the idea of having someone new to hang out with in the common room; he particularly liked the idea of getting help with homework as he still found magic hard. Krisalyn had helped him in Charms, which he was very appreciative of. Also, judging by Mollie's personality, he'd probably meet loads of new, exciting people and make more friends. The idea of meeting completely new people began to make Andrew quite nervous, as there was the debate on whether he'd be liked or whatnot. He bit his lip, making the situations he was conducting in his head worse. He never liked the idea of being disliked, it was even worse that is he was disliked by anyone in Teppenpaw, he would have to live with them for many more years and be subject to all sorts of comments or behaviour, like the silent treatment. He shuddered, remembering when his sister gave him a pretty nasty dose of silent treatment when he tore one of her boy-band posters.

He looked at Mollie, feeling rather nervous through his stirring emotions. Whenever he thought of things like meeting new people it always affected him, which made it hard if he was mid-conversation. He smiled and took a deep breath, knowing that if he tried to speak his stutter would overcome every word making it difficult for her to understand him.

"S-so..." he took another breath, "wh-where a-abouts in America a-are you from?"
0 Andrew .T Heh, you are not the only one! I don't like heights either. 0 Andrew .T 0 5


June 18, 2008 3:40 PM

heights I don't mind all that much by Mollie

As they made their deal, Mollie reminded herself to let Krisalyn know so that they could all hang out together. It would be such a good time. Taking a second to glance at the books again, Mollie failed to notice Andrew's inner turmoil, but turned back to him when asked a question. She hardly noticed his stutter, writing it off as a nerves thing. She had a friend back in primary school who did the same thing when talking in front of the class, so she assumed it was probably the same idea.

"Boston." She answered with a grin. "It's a great city, so much history and so many things to do!" Mollie missed the east coast, the smell of the salty sea air, the large amout of people, the hussle and bussle of daily living. It would make her homesick if she had a home to miss. In a way she supposed Boston, the city itself was her home. She had never strayed to far from there, once to a family in Newton, but still, only a short T ride away. After school she would usually wander her favorite haunts, like Fanieul Hall or gaze at all of the expensive stores in the Pru. Usually she would end up dockside, watching the fisherman haul in their catch.

"What about you?" She raised an eyebrow at him. "Doesn't sound like you're from anywhere close." Mol couldn't quite pinpoint his accent. Obviously not Scottish, but sometimes it was hard to tell and easy to offend if you guess wrong. That she knew from experience. At the opening feast she had gotten a quick sense of a Scottish accent from Kaden, but the four words he had said to her weren't a great indication of anything.
0 Mollie heights I don't mind all that much 0 Mollie 0 5

Andrew .T

June 19, 2008 12:35 PM

Well, that's lucky seeing as we are suppose to fly = ] by Andrew .T

Boston. Andrew was trying to make a mental note of where everyone came from and he was finding it pretty hard. Krisalyn came from Vermont and Kyler came from Colorado, whether or not they were anywhere near Boston or Sonora, he didn't know. He decided he'd have to find a map of America somewhere to try and work out where everyone lived in comparison to Sonora. Also, when he finally got a letter from his family saying where they now lived in America, in comparison to him. He knew that there would be an encyclopaedia somewhere in this library that had a map in, he'd be very shocked if there wasn't due to the size of the library. The only problem is, where would it be? Andrew decided to think of that later as Mollie began talking again.

"Y-you're right!" Andrew laughed; "I don't live c-close at all," not living 'close' was an understatement, "I come f-from Oxford, hence the B-British accent." He smiled, many people had had different reactions to his accent and where he came from. "There's loads of history a-around there t-too. I'm surprised m-my mum didn't send me t-to the school y-you've got your book on," he snatched a glance at the front cover because he couldn't remember the name, but didn't want to appear dense or forgetful, "Hogwarts. I came over the first d-day of term without m-my family and they've b-brought a house here s-somewhere, I don't know w-where th-though..." he wished he'd get a letter soon, because he hadn't spoken to his mother or sister since they dropped him off at Birmingham Airport. He missed his sister terribly but couldn't write a letter to her as he didn't yet know the address. "S-so yeah, I lived far away o-originally, now I d-don't know where I am living, so if I a-am honest I-I k-know nothing a-about America except i-it's really big!"
0 Andrew .T Well, that's lucky seeing as we are suppose to fly = ] 0 Andrew .T 0 5


June 27, 2008 4:25 PM

flying will be great! by Mollie

OOC- I AM SO SORRY! my life is one giant mess right now of travel, no internet and training for my job!

"I would love to visit England, or any other country for that matter." Mollie sighed wistfully. Having never been all that far outf of Boston left one with the desire to see other places, other cities, learn the history and see the sights. "I don't suppose Boston is all that close either, probably closer to Oxford than to here." She laughed, unsure if that was true or not, so it may have been a little exaggerated. "It's all the way on the other side of the country on the east coast and the Atlantic Ocean." She explained, unsure of how well Andrew knew his American geography. She knew it pretty well.

Well she'd been right as he admitted he didn't know that much about American geography. "They haven't told you where they live yet? I bet if you just give one of the school owls their name, they'd find them." Or so that's what she had read in her care of magical creatures textbook; that owls had this uncanny sense of direction that always got them where they needed to go wether they were sure or not.

Shrugging, Mollie wondered what it was like to move to a new country. She supposed moving to a new state wasn't as quite as adventurous, though this was certainly different than Massachusetts. Not only the climate, but the people. She was sure there were witches and wizards in Boston, now that she knew of their existance at all and she wondered what had called her to Sonora. Surely there was a school in Salem, Massachusetts, a town so deeply seeded with magical ties that it was impossible for there not to be anything there. She'd have to look up a book about that too.

"Do you miss home?" She asked Andrew now, curious about his answer. She didn't have much to miss, so she was interested in what other people had to say about it.
0 Mollie flying will be great! 0 Mollie 0 5

Andrew Tudor

July 02, 2008 8:52 AM

If you say so = P by Andrew Tudor

Andrew thought about Mollie's question. It's not like he hadn't thought about it, it was more he didn't want to think about it. Every now and then he gets a sickening prang of homesickness and other times he just doesn't think about it. Andrew thought back to his life in Oxford, the people, the places, his house... It would be silly to say he didn't miss it, because he did, but no matter, as he has a new place to meet new people and find new places. It would simply just take time, as in Oxford he had a life made for him, now he just has to make his own.

"Yes, I-I do miss it, s-sometimes more times than others. B-but, on the s-silver lining, it's n-not like I'm somewhere I-I hate now... If I-I hated America, th-then the fact I-I h-have moved here would b-be so much worse." Andrew felt that was the best way he could explain it. He didn't want to make Mollie feel uncomfortable by him whining about missing all the little streets round Oxford and the huge bookshop that had a pub in between it.

He smiled at Mollie. He did like Sonora, and liking it did help him forget out missing his old home. Andrew did however feel anxious, and he had since he'd set foot inside Sonora. He also knew exactly why. What if he didn't like his new house? What if nothing had changed? He frowned, knowing he'd find out soon enough seeing as he was going home for midterms. He smiled at Mollie again.

"A-anyway, I-I suppose I should let you g-get on with what you came i-in here t-to do!" He laughed, always having a habit of putting people off. "S-so, w-well..." Andrew was never very good at rounding off conversations, "I-I guess if I d-don't see you r-round before, h-have a good mid-term w-whether you go back to Boston or s-stay here. I-I'm going to see my family, s-so t-that should be a-amusing!" He grinned, actually looking forward to seeing his little sister. "S-so... take c-care, Mollie! S-see you around!"
0 Andrew Tudor If you say so = P 0 Andrew Tudor 0 5