Caedence Redoak

November 09, 2006 8:37 PM

Being peaceful, for once by Caedence Redoak

Caedence sat at the only free table left. It seemed like there was either alot of people into books, or there mightbe a homework assignment. Either way, Caedence didn't want to intrude on anyone else's peace. Inside, however, Caedence was a raging tiger with her pent-up rage. Outwardly she looked...calm? Happy? Peaceful? Whatever it was, she was masking her inner feelings. After the 'Bludger Gods' decided to thwart her, she had taken to retreating to the library to wind down and write her story for Echo's little group.

Saturday she began, was usually the day for Elm to relax, maybe expend some of the stress of the week in her mother's orchard using her beater's bat to hit down the rotten, unpicked apples. Not today, however. Today was to be a most memorable day.

It all started when her dad got into another argument with her mother. "The girl cannot do magic, dear, and you well know that! You can't either! Magic does not exist!" Elm's mother, who had heard this so often before, was short with her husband "Stop it! She and I are gifted, you should remember that!" "Don't you dare spread those filthy lies!" He snapped looking as if he might hit Elm's mom. "LEAVE MOM ALONE!" Elm screamed as loud as she could. It felt as if her throat would rip. "Shut up, girl, me and my wife are having an argument that you aren't a part of. Room!" he replied. Elm looked as if she would argue, but she turned and stalked off. An hour later her parents acted like nothing had happened between them.

She felt eyes on the back of her neck. With an irritated sigh that was, she hoped, quiet to be barely noticed, she turned around. "Yeah?" she said evenly. Man she hated controling her temper. In a time where she didn't have a friend, she would have blown up on the person for daring to read over her shoulder. But now, she didn't want Elly mad again, so here or not, she controlled her anger. So, she took on a smile that felt wierd on her face and waited for the person to respond.\n\n
0 Caedence Redoak Being peaceful, for once 94 Caedence Redoak 1 5

Lexi Stafford

November 13, 2006 1:58 PM

That makes my job easier by Lexi Stafford

Lexi Stafford generally didn't spend much time in the library when she didn't have to. It was generally too quiet for her, and whenver she was in the mood to go read a book or something, she didn't want to be surrounded by other people, even if they were the quiet, nerdy sort that seemed to be in the library more often than anywhere else in the school. So, while she did have a few fond memories of the Sonora library, like scaring Catherine Raines the previous year, she just didn't find it a good place to hang out.

Today, however, she was on a mission. Her conscience had finally returned to her after the championship game had ended, and she began to feel slightly guilty about the two people she'd wounded. Not so much that she regretted taking them out of the game, just so much that a slight twinge began to annoy her. What could she say? No matter how vicious she might be at times, she was still a Teppenpaw, and so had to be nice at least sometimes.

So when she spotted Caedance heading into the library, she decided that now was the opportune moment. After all, Caedance was supposedly the younger, more inexperienced one, and therefore the one who more guilt should be felt towards. It still felt awkward, though, so she dithered by the nearest shelf, waiting for the girl to look up from whatever it was she was doing.

"Oh, um," she muttered as soon as Caedance looked up and inquired what she wanted. "I just...felt really guilty about breaking your arm and all in the championship game, and I wanted to apologize. Sorry it's taken so long." She stammered slightly, unconciously tugging on a strand of red hair. Merlin, this was awkward. What was she supposed to say now. "So, yeah, I'm sorry. What is it you're working on, if you don't mind me asking?" she finished, gesturing towards the paper on the table. \n\n
0 Lexi Stafford That makes my job easier 0 Lexi Stafford 0 5


November 13, 2006 9:17 PM

You can thank Elly for that then! ^_^ by Caedence

Inside, two voices raged in her head. The first screamed for battle and grudges, the other, peace and forgiveness. Finally the voice of reason won out. After all, she was trying this "new" Caedence. One that was nice and made friends. With a smirk to herself, she realised that during the summer, she could vent all her rage on the local muggles with some new tia-kuan-do (spelled that right?) moves. For now, there was this girl to deal with.

"No, it is just an arm..." she dug the girl's name from her memory, "Lexi. Dont worry." Then she asked about the story. Just say none of you buisness! her rage yelled at her. Shaking her head slightly, she ignored and said instead, "Just something for echo. Elms? Nothing much. Just a story. It's national novel writing month, or something of the like. I just like to intimidate the poor guy, or I wouldn't have signed up." she paused realising that Echo was Elly's friend too, "But it is kind of fun, really." she explained timidly. Using a neat trick that she had picked up, a spell to make air come out of her wand tip, she dried the ink. She hadn't gotten teh spell quite right, however, and theair came in weaker and stronger burts that smudged the ink a little. \n\n
0 Caedence You can thank Elly for that then! ^_^ 94 Caedence 0 5